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How To Create an Uber Splash Screen



Oh, the wonderful splash screen—a chance for developers to go wild with fun animations as the app frantically pings API endpoints for critical data needed to function. The splash screen (not to be confused with the static, animation-free launch screen) can play an important role in an app: keeping the user interested while waiting for the app to start.

While there are many splash screens out there, you’d be hard pressed to find one as beautiful as Uber’s. In the first quarter of 2016, Uber released a major rebranding strategy led by its CEO. One of the results of this rebranding was a very cool splash screen.

This tutorial aims to replicate Uber’s animation to a very close approximation. It makes heavy use of CALayers and CAAnimations, as well as their subclassed counterparts. Rather than introducing the concepts found in these classes, this tutorial will focus more on using these classes in a production-quality animation. To learn the concepts behind these animations, check out Marin Todorov’s Intermediate iOS Animation video series.

Getting Started

Since there are a significant number of animations to implement in this tutorial, you’ll start with a project that already has the CALayers created for all the lovely animations to come. Download the starter project here.

The starter project is an app called Fuber. Fuber is an on-demand ride sharing service which allows passengers to request Segway drivers to transport them to different locations in urban environments. Fuber has grown rapidly and now serves Segway passengers in over 60 countries, but has faced opposition from numerous governments as well as Segway unions for Fuber’s use of contract Segway drivers. :]

Splash screen

By the end of this tutorial, you will have created a splash screen animation that looks like this:

Fuber Animation

Open and run the starter Fuber project and take a look.

From a UIViewController standpoint, the app launches SplashViewController from its parent view controller, RootContainerViewController, which has the power to transition out child UIViewControllers. It loops through the splash screen animations until the app is ready to launch. This could happen when there is a handshake success to an API endpoint and the app has the necessary data to continue. It’s worth mentioning that in this sample project, the splash screen lives in its own module.

There are two methods implemented in RootContainerViewController: showSplashViewController() and showSplashViewControllerNoPing(). For the majority of this tutorial, you will call showSplashViewControllerNoPing() which only loops through the animations, so that you can focus on animating the subviews in SplashViewController and later on you will use showSplashViewController() to simulate an API delay then transition to the main controller.

Splash Screen Views and Layers Composition

SplashViewController‘s view contains two subviews. The first subview consists of the “ripple grid” background known as the TileGridView, which contains a grid-like layout of subview instances called TileView. The other subview consists of the animating ‘U’ icon, known as the AnimatedULogoView.

Splash Screen Fuber-View-Hierarchy

The AnimatedULogoView contains four CAShapeLayers:

  • circleLayer represents the circular white background for the ‘U’.
  • lineLayer is the straight line that goes from the middle of the circleLayer layout to its outer edge.
  • squareLayer is the square that lies in the center of the circleLayer layer.
  • maskLayer is used as a mask for the view. It is used to collapse all the other layers in one easy animation when its bounds are changed through animation.

Combined, these CAShaperLayers create the Fuber ‘U’.


Now that you know how these layers are composed, it’s time to generate the animations to make the AnimatedULogoView animatable.

Animating the Circle

When working with animations, it’s best to eliminate visual “noise” and focus on the animation currently being implemented. Navigate to AnimatedULogoView.swift. In init(frame:), comment out all the sublayers being added to the view except the circleLayer layer. You’ll add them back in one at a time as you complete the animations. The code should now look like this:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
  super.init(frame: frame)
  circleLayer = generateCircleLayer()
  lineLayer = generateLineLayer()
  squareLayer = generateSquareLayer()
  maskLayer = generateMaskLayer()
//  layer.mask = maskLayer
//  layer.addSublayer(lineLayer)
//  layer.addSublayer(squareLayer)

Find generateCircleLayer() to understand how the circle is created. It’s a simple CAShapeLayer created with a UIBezierPath. Pay attention to this line:

layer.path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPointZero, radius: radius/2, startAngle: -CGFloat(M_PI_2), endAngle: CGFloat(3*M_PI_2), clockwise: true).CGPath

By default and if you provide 0 as the startAngle, arc bezier paths start from the right (3 o’clock position). By providing -M_PI_2 which is -90 degrees, you start from the top and the endAngle would be 270 degrees or 3*M_PI_2 which again is the top of the circle. Also pay attention that because you want to animate the stroke, you are using the radius value as the lineWidth.

The circleLayer animation needs to be comprised of three CAAnimations: a CAKeyframeAnimation animating a strokeEnd, a CABasicAnimation animating a transform and a CAAnimationGroup used to wrap the two together. You’ll create these animations one at a time.

Navigate to the animateCircleLayer() placeholder and add the following:

  // strokeEnd
  let strokeEndAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "strokeEnd")
  strokeEndAnimation.timingFunction = strokeEndTimingFunction
  strokeEndAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration - kAnimationDurationDelay
  strokeEndAnimation.values = [0.0, 1.0]
  strokeEndAnimation.keyTimes = [0.0, 1.0]

By providing 0.0 and 1.0 as the animation values you instruct the Core Animation framework to start from the startAngle and stroke the circle to the endAngle, creating the cool “clock-like” animation. So as the value of strokeEnd increases, the length of the line segment along the circumference increases, and the circle is gradually “filled in”. For this particular example, if you were to change the values property to [0.0, 0.5], only half of the circle would be drawn because the strokeEnd would only reach half-way around the circle’s circumference during the animation.

Now add the transform animation:

  // transform
  let transformAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform")
  transformAnimation.timingFunction = strokeEndTimingFunction
  transformAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration - kAnimationDurationDelay
  var startingTransform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(-CGFloat(M_PI_4), 0, 0, 1)
  startingTransform = CATransform3DScale(startingTransform, 0.25, 0.25, 1)
  transformAnimation.fromValue = NSValue(CATransform3D: startingTransform)
  transformAnimation.toValue = NSValue(CATransform3D: CATransform3DIdentity)

This animation performs both a scale transform and a rotational transform about the z-axis. This results in the circleLayer layer growing while rotating clockwise by 45 degrees. This rotation is important because it needs to match the position and speed of the lineLayer when it’s being animated along with the rest of the layers.

Finally, add a CAAnimationGroup to the bottom of animateCircleLayer(). This animation encapsulates the previous two animations, so that you only need to add one animation to the circleLayer layer.

  // Group
  let groupAnimation = CAAnimationGroup()
  groupAnimation.animations = [strokeEndAnimation, transformAnimation]
  groupAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
  groupAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  groupAnimation.beginTime = beginTime
  groupAnimation.timeOffset = startTimeOffset
  circleLayer.addAnimation(groupAnimation, forKey: "looping")

This CAAnimationGroup has two notable properties being modified: beginTime and timeOffset. If you are unfamiliar with either one, a great description of these properties and how they’re used can be found here.

This groupAnimation‘s beginTime is being set in reference to the timing of its parent view.

The timeOffset is needed because the animation actually starts halfway through on its first run. When you have more animations completed, try changing the value of startTimeOffset and observe the visual differences.

Add the groupAnimation to circleLayer, then build and run the application to see what it looks like.

Splash Screen CircleIn Animation

Note: Try removing either the strokeEndAnimation or transformAnimation in the groupAnimation.animations array to really get an idea of what each animation does. Try to experiment like this for each animation you create in this tutorial. You’ll be suprised how different combinations of animations can produce unique visuals you would never have anticipated.

Animating the Line

With the animations of circleLayer complete, it’s time to address the lineLayer‘s animations. While still in AnimatedULogoView.swift, navigate to startAnimating() and comment out all the calls to animating methods except animateLineLayer(). The result should look like the code below:

public func startAnimating() {
  beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
  layer.anchorPoint = CGPointZero
//  animateMaskLayer()
//  animateCircleLayer()
//  animateSquareLayer()

In addition, change the content in init(frame:) so that circleLayer and lineLayer are the only CALayers being used:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
  super.init(frame: frame)
  circleLayer = generateCircleLayer()
  lineLayer = generateLineLayer()
  squareLayer = generateSquareLayer()
  maskLayer = generateMaskLayer()
//  layer.mask = maskLayer
//  layer.addSublayer(squareLayer)

With the CALayers/animations properly commented out, go to animateLineLayer() and implement the next group of animations:

  // lineWidth
  let lineWidthAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "lineWidth")
  lineWidthAnimation.values = [0.0, 5.0, 0.0]
  lineWidthAnimation.timingFunctions = [strokeEndTimingFunction, circleLayerTimingFunction]
  lineWidthAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  lineWidthAnimation.keyTimes = [0.0, 1.0-kAnimationDurationDelay/kAnimationDuration, 1.0]

This animation is responsible for increasing then decreasing the lineLayer‘s width.

For the next animation, add the following:

  // transform
  let transformAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "transform")
  transformAnimation.timingFunctions = [strokeEndTimingFunction, circleLayerTimingFunction]
  transformAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  transformAnimation.keyTimes = [0.0, 1.0-kAnimationDurationDelay/kAnimationDuration, 1.0]
  var transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(-CGFloat(M_PI_4), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  transform = CATransform3DScale(transform, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0)
  transformAnimation.values = [NSValue(CATransform3D: transform),
                               NSValue(CATransform3D: CATransform3DIdentity),
                               NSValue(CATransform3D: CATransform3DMakeScale(0.15, 0.15, 1.0))]

Much like the circleLayer transform animation, here you’re defining a clockwise rotation about the z-axis. For the line, however, you’re also performing a 25% scale transform, quickly followed by an identity transform before a final scale to 15% of its original size.

Group the animations together using a CAAnimationGroup and add it to lineLayer:

  // Group
  let groupAnimation = CAAnimationGroup()
  groupAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
  groupAnimation.removedOnCompletion = false
  groupAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  groupAnimation.beginTime = beginTime
  groupAnimation.animations = [lineWidthAnimation, transformAnimation]
  groupAnimation.timeOffset = startTimeOffset
  lineLayer.addAnimation(groupAnimation, forKey: "looping")

Build and run, and observe the prettiness.

Splash Screen Knockoutline Animation

Note that you used the same -M_PI_4 initial transform value to align the line and the stroke of the circle. You also used [0.0, 1.0-kAnimationDurationDelay/kAnimationDuration, 1.0] for keyTimes. The first and last elements of the array are obvious: 0 means start and 1.0 means end so to get the middle value you want to calculate when the circle stroke is complete and the second part (shrinking) will happen. Dividing kAnimationDurationDelay by kAnimationDuration gets you to the exact percentage but because it’s a delayed animation, you subtract it from 1.0 because you want to go back by the duration of the delay from when the animation ends.

You’ve now checked off the circleLayer and the lineLayer animations, so it’s time to move on to the square in the center.

Animating the Square

The drill should be getting familiar by now. Go to startAnimating() and comment out the animation method calls except for animateSquareLayer(). In addition, change init(frame:) so it looks like this:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
  super.init(frame: frame)
  circleLayer = generateCircleLayer()
  lineLayer = generateLineLayer()
  squareLayer = generateSquareLayer()
  maskLayer = generateMaskLayer()
//  layer.mask = maskLayer
//  layer.addSublayer(lineLayer)

Once done, head over to animateSquareLayer() and get cracking on the next set of animations:

  // bounds
  let b1 = NSValue(CGRect: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 2.0/3.0 * squareLayerLength, height: 2.0/3.0  * squareLayerLength))
  let b2 = NSValue(CGRect: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: squareLayerLength, height: squareLayerLength))
  let b3 = NSValue(CGRect: CGRectZero)
  let boundsAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "bounds")
  boundsAnimation.values = [b1, b2, b3]
  boundsAnimation.timingFunctions = [fadeInSquareTimingFunction, squareLayerTimingFunction]
  boundsAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  boundsAnimation.keyTimes = [0, 1.0-kAnimationDurationDelay/kAnimationDuration, 1.0]

This particular animation changes the CALayer‘s bounds. A keyframe animation is created that goes from two-thirds the length, to the full length, then to zero.

Next, animate the background color:

  // backgroundColor
  let backgroundColorAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "backgroundColor")
  backgroundColorAnimation.fromValue = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
  backgroundColorAnimation.toValue = UIColor.fuberBlue().CGColor
  backgroundColorAnimation.timingFunction = squareLayerTimingFunction
  backgroundColorAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth
  backgroundColorAnimation.beginTime = kAnimationDurationDelay * 2.0 / kAnimationDuration
  backgroundColorAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration / (kAnimationDuration - kAnimationDurationDelay)

Take note of the fillMode property. Since the beginTime is non-zero, the animation will clamp both the starting and ending CGColors to the animation. This results in no flickering from the animations when added to the parent CAAnimationGroup.

Speaking of which, it’s time to implement that:

  // Group
  let groupAnimation = CAAnimationGroup()
  groupAnimation.animations = [boundsAnimation, backgroundColorAnimation]
  groupAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
  groupAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  groupAnimation.removedOnCompletion = false
  groupAnimation.beginTime = beginTime
  groupAnimation.timeOffset = startTimeOffset
  squareLayer.addAnimation(groupAnimation, forKey: "looping")

Build and run to check your progress. You’ve now taken care of the squareLayer.

Splash Screen Tutorial
Time to combine the animations and see this animation come together!

Note: Remember that animations on the simulator could be a bit jagged since your computer is emulating work typically done on the GPU of your iOS device. If your computer can’t keep up with the animations, try switching to a simulator with a smaller screen or develop on an actual iOS device.

The Mask

First, uncomment all the layers being added in init(frame:) and uncomment all the animations in startAnimating().

With all the animations put together, build and run Fuber.

PreMask Animation

Still looks a bit off, doesn’t it? There’s a sudden jump in the bounds when the circleLayer collapses in size. Fortunately, the mask animation will fix that, shrinking the sublayers all in one smooth go.

Go to animateMaskLayer() and add the following:

  // bounds
  let boundsAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "bounds")
  boundsAnimation.fromValue = NSValue(CGRect: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: radius * 2.0, height: radius * 2))
  boundsAnimation.toValue = NSValue(CGRect: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 2.0/3.0 * squareLayerLength, height: 2.0/3.0 * squareLayerLength))
  boundsAnimation.duration = kAnimationDurationDelay
  boundsAnimation.beginTime = kAnimationDuration - kAnimationDurationDelay
  boundsAnimation.timingFunction = circleLayerTimingFunction

This is the animation for the bounds. Remember that when the bounds change, the whole AnimatedULogoView will disappear since this layer is the mask that’s applied to all the sublayers.

Now implement a corner radius animation to keep the mask circular:

  // cornerRadius
  let cornerRadiusAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "cornerRadius")
  cornerRadiusAnimation.beginTime = kAnimationDuration - kAnimationDurationDelay
  cornerRadiusAnimation.duration = kAnimationDurationDelay
  cornerRadiusAnimation.fromValue = radius
  cornerRadiusAnimation.toValue = 2
  cornerRadiusAnimation.timingFunction = circleLayerTimingFunction

Add these two animations to a CAAnimationGroup to complete this layer:

  // Group
  let groupAnimation = CAAnimationGroup()
  groupAnimation.removedOnCompletion = false
  groupAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth
  groupAnimation.beginTime = beginTime
  groupAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
  groupAnimation.duration = kAnimationDuration
  groupAnimation.animations = [boundsAnimation, cornerRadiusAnimation]
  groupAnimation.timeOffset = startTimeOffset
  maskLayer.addAnimation(groupAnimation, forKey: "looping")

Build and run.

RiderIconView Animation

Looking good!

The Grid

A digital frontier. Try to picture clusters of UIViews as they move through the TileGridView instance. What do they look like? Well … time to stop making references to Tron and take a look!

The background grid consists of a series of TileViews all attached to the parent TileGridView class. To get a quick visual understanding of this, open up TileView.swift and find init(frame:). Add the following to the bottom of this method:

layer.borderWidth = 2.0

Build and run the application.


As you can see, the TileViews are arranged so that they’re stacked together in a grid. The creation of all this logic happens in a method called renderTileViews() in TileGridView.swift. Fortunately, the logic is already created on your behalf for this grid layout. All you need to do is animate it!

Animating the TileView

TileGridView has a single direct child subview called containerView. It adds all the child TileViews. In addition, there is a property called tileViewRows, which is a two-dimensional array containing all the TileViews added to the container view.

Navigate back to TileView‘s init(frame:). Remove the line you added to show the border width and enable the commented-out line that adds the chimeSplashImage to the layer’s contents. The method should now look like this:

override init(frame: CGRect) {
  super.init(frame: frame)
  layer.contents = TileView.chimesSplashImage.CGImage
  layer.shouldRasterize = true

Build and run.

Grid Starting

Coooooool … We’re getting there!

However, TileGridView (and all of its TileViews) needs some animation. Open up TileView.swift, go to startAnimatingWithDuration(_:beginTime:rippleDelay:rippleOffset:) and plop down the next chunk of animations:

  let timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(controlPoints: 0.25, 0, 0.2, 1)
  let linearFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear)
  let easeOutFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut)
  let easeInOutTimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
  let zeroPointValue = NSValue(CGPoint: CGPointZero)
  var animations = [CAAnimation]()

This code sets up a series of timing functions you’ll use right now. Add this code:

  if shouldEnableRipple {
    // Transform.scale
    let scaleAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
    scaleAnimation.values = [1, 1, 1.05, 1, 1]
    scaleAnimation.keyTimes = TileView.rippleAnimationKeyTimes
    scaleAnimation.timingFunctions = [linearFunction, timingFunction, timingFunction, linearFunction]
    scaleAnimation.beginTime = 0.0
    scaleAnimation.duration = duration
    // Position
    let positionAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "position")
    positionAnimation.duration = duration
    positionAnimation.timingFunctions = [linearFunction, timingFunction, timingFunction, linearFunction]
    positionAnimation.keyTimes = TileView.rippleAnimationKeyTimes
    positionAnimation.values = [zeroPointValue, zeroPointValue, NSValue(CGPoint:rippleOffset), zeroPointValue, zeroPointValue]
    positionAnimation.additive = true

shouldEnableRipple is a boolean that controls when the transform and position animations are added to the animations array you just created. Its value is set to true for all the TileViews that are not on the perimeter of the TileGridView. This logic is already done for you when the TileViews are created in the renderTileViews() method of TileGridView.

Add an opacity animation:

  // Opacity
  let opacityAnimation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "opacity")
  opacityAnimation.duration = duration
  opacityAnimation.timingFunctions = [easeInOutTimingFunction, timingFunction, timingFunction, easeOutFunction, linearFunction]
  opacityAnimation.keyTimes = [0.0, 0.61, 0.7, 0.767, 0.95, 1.0]
  opacityAnimation.values = [0.0, 1.0, 0.45, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0]

This is a pretty self-explanatory animation with some very specific keyTimes.

Now add all these animations to a group:

  // Group
  let groupAnimation = CAAnimationGroup()
  groupAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
  groupAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBackwards
  groupAnimation.duration = duration
  groupAnimation.beginTime = beginTime + rippleDelay
  groupAnimation.removedOnCompletion = false
  groupAnimation.animations = animations
  groupAnimation.timeOffset = kAnimationTimeOffset
  layer.addAnimation(groupAnimation, forKey: "ripple")

This will add groupAnimation to the instance of TileView. Note that the group animation could either have one or three animations in the group, depending on the value of shouldEnableRipple.

Now that you’ve written the method to animate each TileView, it’s time to call it from TileGridView. Head over to TileGridView.swift and add the following code to startAnimatingWithBeginTime(_:):

private func startAnimatingWithBeginTime(beginTime: NSTimeInterval) {
  for tileRows in tileViewRows {
    for view in tileRows {
      view.startAnimatingWithDuration(kAnimationDuration, beginTime: beginTime, rippleDelay: 0, rippleOffset: CGPointZero)

Build and run.


Hmm … this is definitely looking better, but the radial expansion of AnimatedULogoView should send out a shockwave-like effect to all the TileViews in the grid. That means a delay offset needs to be created based upon the distance from the center of the view to the outlining view, multiplied by a constant.

Right underneath startAnimatingWithBeginTime(_:), add the following new method:

private func distanceFromCenterViewWithView(view: UIView)->CGFloat {
  guard let centerTileView = centerTileView else { return 0.0 }
  let normalizedX = (view.center.x - centerTileView.center.x)
  let normalizedY = (view.center.y - centerTileView.center.y)
  return sqrt(normalizedX * normalizedX + normalizedY * normalizedY)

This simply gets the distance from the center of the centerTileView to the center of the view passed in.

Head back to startAnimatingWithBeginTime(_:) and replace its contents with the following:

  for tileRows in tileViewRows {
    for view in tileRows {
      let distance = self.distanceFromCenterViewWithView(view)
      view.startAnimatingWithDuration(kAnimationDuration, beginTime: beginTime, rippleDelay: kRippleDelayMultiplier * NSTimeInterval(distance), rippleOffset: CGPointZero)

This uses the distanceFromCenterViewWithView(_:) method you’ve just added to determine the delay the animation should have.

Build and run.


Much better! This animation is starting to look respectable now, but there’s still something missing. The TileViews should physically move based on the direction and magnitude of the shockwave.

The best way to do this is to whip out your high-school math (don’t cringe—it will be over before you know it) and normalize the vector based upon the distance of the TileView from the center.

Add another method below distanceFromCenterViewWithView(_:):

private func normalizedVectorFromCenterViewToView(view: UIView)->CGPoint {
  let length = self.distanceFromCenterViewWithView(view)
  guard let centerTileView = centerTileView where length != 0 else { return CGPointZero }
  let deltaX = view.center.x - centerTileView.center.x
  let deltaY = view.center.y - centerTileView.center.y
  return CGPoint(x: deltaX / length, y: deltaY / length)

Go back to startAnimatingWithBeginTime(_:) and modify the code to look like this:

private func startAnimatingWithBeginTime(beginTime: NSTimeInterval) {
  for tileRows in tileViewRows {
    for view in tileRows {
      let distance = self.distanceFromCenterViewWithView(view)
      var vector = self.normalizedVectorFromCenterViewToView(view)
      vector = CGPoint(x: vector.x * kRippleMagnitudeMultiplier * distance, y: vector.y * kRippleMagnitudeMultiplier * distance)
      view.startAnimatingWithDuration(kAnimationDuration, beginTime: beginTime, rippleDelay: kRippleDelayMultiplier * NSTimeInterval(distance), rippleOffset: vector)

This calculates the vector that the TileView should move by and applies it to the rippleOffset.

Build and run.


Very cool! And now for the cherry on top: to get that “zooming-in” feel, a scale animation needs to occur right before there is a change in the mask’s bounds.

At the top of startAnimatingWithBeginTime(_:), add the following code:

  let linearTimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear)
  let keyframe = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale")
  keyframe.timingFunctions = [linearTimingFunction, CAMediaTimingFunction(controlPoints: 0.6, 0.0, 0.15, 1.0), linearTimingFunction]
  keyframe.repeatCount = Float.infinity;
  keyframe.duration = kAnimationDuration
  keyframe.removedOnCompletion = false
  keyframe.keyTimes = [0.0, 0.45, 0.887, 1.0]
  keyframe.values = [0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0]
  keyframe.beginTime = beginTime
  keyframe.timeOffset = kAnimationTimeOffset
  containerView.layer.addAnimation(keyframe, forKey: "scale")

Build and run again.


Beautiful! You have now created a production-quality animation that many Fuber users will complain about on Twitter. Great job! :]

Note: Try changing the values of kRippleMagnitudeMultiplier and kRippleDelayMultiplier to see some amusing results.

To finish things off, go to RootContainerViewController.swift. In viewDidLoad(), change the final line of code from showSplashViewControllerNoPing() to showSplashViewController().

Do a final build and run to check out your work.

Fuber Animation

Give yourself a pat on the back … That is one cool splash screen!

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the final Fuber project here.

If you would like to learn more about animations, check out iOS Animations by Tutorials.

Have an animation question? Want to post an amusing photo you’ve added to TileView’s contents? Feel free to join the forum discussion below!

The post How To Create an Uber Splash Screen appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

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