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Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS


Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOSiOS 10’s new Speech Recognition API lets your app transcribe live or pre-recorded audio. It leverages the same speech recognition engine used by Siri and Keyboard Dictation, but provides much more control and improved access.

The engine is fast and accurate and can currently interpret over 50 languages and dialects. It even adapts results to the user using information about their contacts, installed apps, media and various other pieces of data.

Audio fed to a recognizer is transcribed in near real time, and results are provided incrementally. This lets you react to voice input very quickly, regardless of context, unlike Keyboard Dictation, which is tied to a specific input object.

Speech Recognizer creates some truly amazing possibilities in your apps. For example, you could create an app that takes a photo when you say “cheese”. You could also create an app that could automatically transcribe audio from Simpsons episodes so you could search for your favorite lines.

In this speech recognition tutorial for iOS, you’ll build an app called Gangstribe that will transcribe some pretty hardcore (hilarious) gangster rap recordings using speech recognition. It will also get users in the mood to record their own rap hits with a live audio transcriber that draws emojis on their faces based on what they say. :]

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

The section on live recordings will use AVAudioEngine. If you haven’t used AVAudioEngine before, you may want to familiarize yourself with that framework first. The 2014 WWDC session AVAudioEngine in Practice is a great intro to this, and can be found at apple.co/28tATc1. This session video explains many of the systems and terminology we’ll use in this speech recognition tutorial for iOS.

The Speech Recognition framework doesn’t work in the simulator, so be sure to use a real device with iOS 10 (or later) for this speech recognition tutorial for iOS.

Getting Started

Download the sample project here. Open Gangstribe.xcodeproj in the starter project folder for this speech recognition tutorial for iOS. Select the project file, the Gangstribe target and then the General tab. Choose your development team from the drop-down.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Connect an iOS 10 (or later) device and select it as your run destination in Xcode. Build and run and you’ll see the bones of the app.

From the master controller, you can select a song. The detail controller will then let you play the audio file, recited by none other than our very own DJ Sammy D!

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

The transcribe button is not currently operational, but you’ll use this later to kick off a transcription of the selected recording.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Tap Face Replace on the right of the navigation bar to preview the live transcription feature. You’ll be prompted for permission to access the camera; accept this, as you’ll need it for this feature.

Currently if you select an emoji with your face in frame, it will place the emoji on your face. Later, you’ll trigger this action with speech.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the starter project. Here are some highlights of classes and groups you’ll work with during this speech recognition tutorial for iOS:

  • MasterViewController.swift: Displays the list of recordings in a table view. The recording model object is defined in Recording.swift along with the seeded song data.
  • RecordingViewController.swift: Plays the pre-recorded audio selected in the master controller. You’ll code the currently stubbed out handleTranscribeButtonTapped(_:) to have it kick off file transcription.
  • LiveTranscribeViewController.swift: Handles the Face Replace view, which leverages the code included in the FaceReplace folder. It currently displays live video and a collection view of emojis, attaching the selected emoji to any face in the live view. This is where you’ll add code to record and transcribe audio.
  • FaceReplace: Contains a library provided by Rich Turton that places emojis over faces in live video. It uses Core Image’s CIDetector — but you don’t need to understand how this works for this speech recognition tutorial for iOS. However, if you’d like to learn more, you can read about CIDetector here: apple.co/1Tx2uCN.

You’ll start this speech recognition tutorial for iOS by making the transcribe button work for pre-recorded audio. It will then feed the audio file to Speech Recognizer and present the results in a label under the player.

The latter half of the speech recognition tutorial for iOS will focus on the Face Replace feature. You’ll set up an audio engine for recording, tap into that input, and transcribe the audio as it arrives. You’ll display the live transcription and ultimately use it to trigger placing emojis over the user’s face.

You can’t just dive right in and start voice commanding unicorns onto your face though; you’ll need to understand a few basics first.

Transcription Basics

There are four primary actors involved in a speech transcription:

  1. SFSpeechRecognizer is the primary controller in the framework. Its most important job is to generate recognition tasks and return results. It also handles authorization and configures locales.
  2. SFSpeechRecognitionRequest is the base class for recognition requests. Its job is to point the SFSpeechRecognizer to an audio source from which transcription should occur. There are two concrete types: SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest, for reading from a file, and SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest for reading from a buffer.
  1. SFSpeechRecognitionTask objects are created when a request is kicked off by the recognizer. They are used to track progress of a transcription or cancel it.
  2. SFSpeechRecognitionResult objects contain the transcription of a chunk of the audio. Each result typically corresponds to a single word.

Here’s how these objects interact during a basic Speech Recognizer transcription:

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

The code required to complete a transcription is quite simple. Given an audio file at url, the following code transcribes the file and prints the results:

let request = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: url)
SFSpeechRecognizer()?.recognitionTask(with: request) { (result, _) in
  if let transcription = result?.bestTranscription {

SFSpeechRecognizer kicks off a SFSpeechRecognitionTask for the SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest using recognitionTask(with:resultHandler:). It returns partial results as they arrive via the resultHandler. This code prints the formatted string value of the bestTranscription, which is a cumulative transcription result adjusted at each iteration.

You’ll start by implementing a file transcription very similar to this.

Audio File Speech Transcription

Before you start reading and sending chunks of the user’s audio off to a remote server, it would be polite to ask permission. In fact, considering their commitment to user privacy, it should come as no surprise that Apple requires this! :]

You’ll kick off the the authorization process when the user taps the Transcribe button in the detail controller.

Open RecordingViewController.swift and add the following to the import statements at the top:

import Speech

This imports the Speech Recognition API.

Add the following to handleTranscribeButtonTapped(_:):

SFSpeechRecognizer.requestAuthorization {
  [unowned self] (authStatus) in
  switch authStatus {
  case .authorized:
    if let recording = self.recording {
      //TODO: Kick off the transcription
  case .denied:
    print("Speech recognition authorization denied")
  case .restricted:
    print("Not available on this device")
  case .notDetermined:
    print("Not determined")

You call the SFSpeechRecognizer type method requestAuthorization(_:) to prompt the user for authorization and handle their response in a completion closure.

In the closure, you look at the authStatus and print error messages for all of the exception cases. For authorized, you unwrap the selected recording for later transcription.

Next, you have to provide a usage description displayed when permission is requested. Open Info.plist and add the key Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Description providing the String value I want to write down everything you say:

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Build and run, select a song from the master controller, and tap Transcribe. You’ll see a permission request appear with the text you provided. Select OK to provide Gangstribe the proper permission:

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Of course nothing happens after you provide authorization — you haven’t yet set up speech recognition! It’s now time to test the limits of the framework with DJ Sammy D’s renditions of popular rap music.

Transcribing the file

Back in RecordingViewController.swift, find the RecordingViewController extension at the bottom of the file. Add the following method to transcribe a file found at the passed url:

fileprivate func transcribeFile(url: URL) {

  // 1
  guard let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer() else {
    print("Speech recognition not available for specified locale")

  if !recognizer.isAvailable {
    print("Speech recognition not currently available")

  // 2
  let request = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: url)

  // 3
  recognizer.recognitionTask(with: request) {
    [unowned self] (result, error) in
    guard let result = result else {
      print("There was an error transcribing that file")

    // 4
    if result.isFinal {

Here are the details on how this transcribes the passed file:

  1. The default SFSpeechRecognizer initializer provides a recognizer for the device’s locale, returning nil if there is no such recognizer. isAvailable checks if the recognizer is ready, failing in such cases as missing network connectivity.
  2. updateUIForTranscriptionInProgress() is provided with the starter to disable the Transcribe button and start an activity indicator animation while the transcription is in process. A SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest is created for the file found at url, creating an interface to the transcription engine for that recording.
  3. recognitionTask(with:resultHandler:) processes the transcription request, repeatedly triggering a completion closure. The passed result is unwrapped in a guard, which prints an error on failure.
  4. The isFinal property will be true when the entire transcription is complete. updateUIWithCompletedTranscription(_:) stops the activity indicator, re-enables the button and displays the passed string in a text view. bestTranscription contains the transcription Speech Recognizer is most confident is accurate, and formattedString provides it in String format for display in the text view.
Note: Where there is a bestTranscription, there can of course be lesser ones. SFSpeechRecognitionResult has a transcriptions property that contains an array of transcriptions sorted in order of confidence. As you see with Siri and Keyboard Dictation, a transcription can change as more context arrives, and this array illustrates that type of progression.

Now you need to call this new code when the user taps the Transcribe button. In handleTranscribeButtonTapped(_:) replace //TODO: Kick off the transcription with the following:

self.transcribeFile(url: recording.audio)

After successful authorization, the button handler now calls transcribeFile(url:) with the URL of the currently selected recording.

Build and run, select Gangsta’s Paradise, and then tap the Transcribe button. You’ll see the activity indicator for a while, and then the text view will eventually populate with the transcription:

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Transcription and Locales

The results aren’t bad, considering Coolio doesn’t seem to own a copy of Webster’s Dictionary. Depending on the locale of your device, there could be another reason things are a bit off. The above screenshot was a transcription completed on a device configured for US English, while DJ Sammy D has a slightly different dialect.

But you don’t need to book a flight overseas to fix this. When creating a recognizer, you have the option of specifying a locale — that’s what you’ll do next.

Note: Even if your device is set to en_GB (English – United Kingdom) as Sam’s is, the locale settings are important to Gangstribe. In just a bit, you’ll transcribe text in an entirely different language!

Still in RecordingViewController.swift, find transcribeFile(url:) and replace the following two lines:

fileprivate func transcribeFile(url: URL) {
  guard let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer() else {

with the code below:

fileprivate func transcribeFile(url: URL, locale: Locale?) {
  let locale = locale ?? Locale.current

  guard let recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: locale) else {

You’ve added an optional Locale parameter which will specify the locale of the file being transcribed. If locale is nil when unwrapped, you fall back to the device’s locale. You then initialize the SFSpeechRecognizer with this locale.

Now to modify where this is called. Find handleTranscribeButtonTapped(_:) and replace the transcribeFile(url:) call with the following:

self.transcribeFile(url: recording.audio, locale: recording.locale)

You use the new method signature, passing the locale stored with the recording object.

Note: If you want to see the locale associated with a Gangstribe recording, open Recording.swift and look at the recordingNames array up top. Each element contains the song name, artist, audio file name and locale. You can find information on how locale identifiers are derived in Apple’s Internationalization and Localization Guide here — apple.co/1HVWDQa

Build and run, and complete another transcription on Gangsta’s Paradise. Assuming your first run was with a locale other than en_GB, you should see some differences.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Note: Keep in mind that your transcriptions may differ from the screenshots. The engine evolves over time and it does customize itself based on its knowledge of you.

You can probably understand different dialects of languages you speak pretty well. But you’re probably significantly weaker when it comes to understanding languages you don’t speak. The Speech Recognition engine understands over 50 different languages and dialects, so it likely has you beat here.

Now that you are passing the locale of files you’re transcribing, you’ll be able to successfully transcribe a recording in any supported language. Build and run, and select the song Raise Your Hands, which is in Thai. Play it, and then tap Transcribe to see the transcribed content.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Flawless transcription! Presumably.

Live Speech Recognition

Live transcription is very similar to file transcription. The primary difference in the process is a different request type — SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest — which is used for live transcriptions.

As the name implies, this type of request reads from an audio buffer. Your task will be to append live audio buffers to this request as they arrive from the source. Once connected, the actual transcription process will be identical to the one for recorded audio.

Another consideration for live audio is that you’ll need a way to stop a transcription when the user is done speaking. This requires maintaining a reference to the SFSpeechRecognitionTask so that it can later be canceled.

Gangstribe has some pretty cool tricks up its sleeve. For this feature, you’ll not only transcribe live audio, but you’ll use the transcriptions to trigger some visual effects. With the use of the FaceReplace library, speaking the name of a supported emoji will plaster it right over your face!

Connect to the audio buffer

To do this, you’ll have to configure the audio engine and hook it up to a recognition request. But before you start recording and transcribing, you need to request authorization to use speech recognition in this controller.

Open LiveTranscribeViewController.swift and add the following to the top of the file by the other imports:

import Speech

Now the live transcription controller has access to Speech Recognition.

Next find viewDidLoad() and replace the line startRecording() with the following:

SFSpeechRecognizer.requestAuthorization {
  [unowned self] (authStatus) in
  switch authStatus {
  case .authorized:
  case .denied:
    print("Speech recognition authorization denied")
  case .restricted:
    print("Not available on this device")
  case .notDetermined:
    print("Not determined")

Just as you did with pre-recorded audio, you’re calling requestAuthorization(_:) to obtain or confirm access to Speech Recognition.

For the authorized status, you call startRecording() which currently just does some preparation — you’ll implement the rest shortly. For failures, you print relevant error messages.

Next, add the following properties at the top of LiveTranscribeViewController:

let audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
let speechRecognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer()
let request = SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest()
var recognitionTask: SFSpeechRecognitionTask?
  • audioEngine is an AVAudioEngine object you’ll use to process input audio signals from the microphone.
  • speechRecognizer is the SFSpeechRecognizer you’ll use for live transcriptions.
  • request is the SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest the speech recognizer will use to tap into the audio engine.
  • recognitionTask will hold a reference to the SFSpeechRecognitionTask kicked off when transcription begins.

Now find startRecording() in a LiveTranscribeViewController extension in this same file. This is called when the Face Replace view loads, but it doesn’t yet do any recording. Add the following code to the bottom of the method:

// 1
let node = audioEngine.inputNode
let recordingFormat = node.outputFormat(forBus: 0)

// 2
node.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024,
                format: recordingFormat) { [unowned self]
  (buffer, _) in

// 3
try audioEngine.start()

This code does the following:

  1. Obtains the input audio node associated with the device’s microphone, as well as its corresponding outputFormat.
  2. Installs a tap on the output bus of node, using the same recording format. When the buffer is filled, the closure returns the data in buffer which is appended to the SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest. The request is now tapped into the live input node.
  3. Prepares and starts the audioEngine to start recording, and thus gets data going to the tap.

Because starting the audio engine throws, you need to signify this on the method. Change the method definition to match the following:

fileprivate func startRecording() throws {

With this change, you likewise need to modify where the method gets called. Find viewDidLoad() and replace self.startRecording() with the following:

do {
  try self.startRecording()
} catch let error {
  print("There was a problem starting recording: \(error.localizedDescription)")

startRecording() is now wrapped in a do-catch, printing the error if it fails.

There is one last thing to do before you can kick off a recording — ask for user permission. The framework does this for you, but you need to provide another key in the plist with an explanation. Open Info.plist and add the key Privacy - Microphone Usage Description providing the String value I want to record you live.

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Build and run, choose a recording, then select Face Replace from the navigation bar. You’ll immediately be greeted with a prompt requesting permission to use the microphone. Hit OK so that Gangstribe can eventually transcribe what you say:

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

With the tap in place, and recording started, you can finally kick off the speech recognition task.

In LiveTranscribeViewController.swift, go back to startRecording() and add the following at the bottom of the method:

recognitionTask = speechRecognizer?.recognitionTask(with: request) {
  [unowned self]
  (result, _) in
  if let transcription = result?.bestTranscription {
    self.transcriptionOutputLabel.text = transcription.formattedString

recognitionTask(with:resultHandler:) is called with the request connected to the tap, kicking off transcription of live audio. The task is saved in recognitionTask for later use.

In the closure, you get bestTranscription from the result. You then update the label that displays the transcription with the formatted string of the transcription.

Build and run, and tap the Face Replace button in the navigation bar. Start talking, and you’ll now see a real time transcription from speech recognition!

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Note: Apple has hinted at some throttling limits, including an utterance duration limit of “about one minute”. If you stay in live transcription long enough, you’ll probably see it stop responding. Now you know why!

But there’s a problem. If you try opening Face Replace enough times, it will crash spectacularly. You’re currently leaking the SFSpeechAudioBufferRecognitionRequest because you’ve never stopping transcription or recording!

Add the following method to the LiveTranscribeViewController extension that also contains startRecording():

fileprivate func stopRecording() {

Calling stop() on the audio engine releases all resources associated with it. endAudio() tells the request that it shouldn’t expect any more incoming audio, and causes it to stop listening. cancel() is called on the recognition task to let it know its work is done so that it can free up resources.

You’ll want to call this when the user taps the Done! button before you dismiss the controller. Add the following to handleDoneTapped(_:), just before the dismiss:


The audio engine and speech recognizer will now get cleaned up each time the user finishes with a live recording. Good job cleaning up your toys! :]

Transcription segments

The live transcription below your video is pretty cool, but it’s not what you set out to do. It’s time to dig into these transcriptions and use them to trigger the emoji face replacement!

First, you need to understand a bit more about the data contained in the SFTranscription objects returned in SFSpeechRecognitionResult objects. You’ve been accessing these with the bestTranscription property of results returned to the recognitionTask(with:resultHandler:) closure.

SFTranscription has a segments property containing an array of all SFTranscriptionSegment objects returned from the request. Among other things, a SFTranscriptionSegment has a substring containing the transcribed String for that segment, as well as its duration from the start of the transcription. Generally, each segment will consist of a single word.

Each time the live transcription returns a new result, you want to look at the most recent segment to see if it matches an emoji keyword.

First add the following property to at the top of the class:

var mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration: TimeInterval = 0

mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration tracks the timestamp of the last processed segment. Because the segment duration is from the start of transcription, the highest duration indicates the latest segment.

Now add the following to the top of startRecording():

mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration = 0

This will reset the tracked duration each time recording starts.

Now add the following new method to the bottom of the last LiveTranscribeViewController extension:

// 1
fileprivate func updateUIWithTranscription(_ transcription: SFTranscription) {
  self.transcriptionOutputLabel.text = transcription.formattedString

  // 2
  if let lastSegment = transcription.segments.last,
    lastSegment.duration > mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration {
    mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration = lastSegment.duration
    // 3

Here’s what this code does:

  1. This defines a new method that accepts an SFTranscription and uses it to update the UI with results. First, it updates the transcription label at the bottom of the screen with the results; this will soon replace similar code found in startRecording().
  2. This unwraps the last segment from the passed transcription. It then checks that the segment’s duration is higher than the mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration to avoid an older segment being processed if it returns out of order. The new duration is then saved in mostRecentlyProcessedSegmentDuration.
  3. selectFace(), part of the Face Replace code, accepts the substring of this new transcription, and completes a face replace if it matches one of the emoji names.

In startRecording(), replace the following line:

self.transcriptionOutputLabel.text = transcription.formattedString



updateUIWithTranscription() is now called each time the resultHandler is executed. It will update the transcription label as well as triggering a face replace if appropriate. Because this new method updates the transcription label, you removed the code that previously did it here.

Build and run and select Face Replace. This time, say the name of one of the emojis. Try “cry” as your first attempt.

The speech recognizer will transcribe the word “cry” and feed it to the FaceSource object, which will attach the cry emoji to your face. What a time to be alive!

Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS

Note: For a full list of available keywords, open FaceSource.swift and look for the names array. Each of these map to one of the emojis in the faces array above it.

Usage Guidelines

While they aren’t yet clearly defined, Apple has provided some usage guidelines for Speech Recognition. Apple will be enforcing the following types of limitations:

  • Per device per day
  • Per app per day (global limitations for all users of your app)
  • One minute limitation for a single utterance (from start to end of a recognition task)

Apple hasn’t provided any numbers for device and app daily limits. These rules are likely to mature and become more concrete as Apple sees how third party developers use the framework.

Apple also emphasizes that you must make it very clear to users when they are being recorded. While it isn’t currently in the review guidelines, it’s in your best interest to follow this closely to avoid rejections. You also wouldn’t want to invade your user’s privacy!

Finally, Apple suggests presenting transcription results before acting on them. Sending a text message via Siri is a great example of this: she’ll present editable transcription results and delay before sending the message. Transcription is certainly not perfect, and you want to protect users from the frustration and possible embarrassment of mistakes.

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the completed sample project here. In this speech recognition tutorial for iOS, you learned everything you need to know to get basic speech recognition working in your apps. It’s an extremely powerful feature where the framework does the heavy lifting. With just a few lines of code, you can bring a lot of magic to your apps.

There isn’t currently much documentation on Speech Recognition, so your best bet is to explore the headers in the source for more detail. Here are a couple of other places to go for more info:

Questions? Comments? Come join the forum discussion below!

This speech recognition tutorial for iOS was taken from Chapter 7 of iOS 10 by Tutorials, which also covers the new changes in Swift 3, source editor extensions, Core Data updates, photography updates, search integration and all the other new, shiny APIs in iOS 10.

You’ll definitely enjoy the other 13 chapters and 300+ pages in the book. Check it out in our store and let us know what you think!

The post Speech Recognition Tutorial for iOS appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

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