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MagicaVoxel 3D Art Tutorial


This is an abridged chapter from our book 3D Apple Games by Tutorials, which has been completely updated for Swift 4 and iOS 11. This tutorial is presented as part of our iOS 11 Launch Party — enjoy!

Since the dawn of time, humans have embraced their inner creativity. From the primitive cave paintings of ancient hominids, to the majesty and grace of such masterpieces as Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa”, art has constantly evolved with time. You stand at the dawn of a new era, where the modern programmer will gift the world with programmer art! Grog and Leonardo would have been proud. :]

Prototyping apps, especially games, requires graphics — lots of graphics. Proper graphics take a very long time to create, and time is something most coders just don’t have. Programmer art is a nice compromise; you create a rough concept of the required art and use it as a placeholder until you can get around to making (or paying for) some decent game art.

Getting Started

Voxel graphics are a super easy and extremely fast way to create 3D content, and have become extremely popular for this reason. Out of the many tools available, MagicaVoxel is one of the best. Why? Because it’s free! Oh, and it’s pretty darn awesome too. :]

Note: Grab yourself a copy of MagicaVoxel at https://ephtracy.github.io and install it before you continue. It’s only a single download and runs on both macOS and Windows. Be sure to thank @ephtracy on Twitter for such an amazing free product.

Once installed, you’ll be greeted by a very interesting and unique UI. This is clearly a program created by a programmer, for programmers. Fear not, there is definitely some method to this madness; once you get the hang of it, you’ll fall in love with it.

You’ll notice that the UI is divided into expandable columns. Here’s what you’ll see from left to right:

  • Color Palette: The left-most column is your color palette. Here you can pick and choose from a whole spectrum of colors. You can even pick your very own custom color right at the bottom.
  • Brush: This is the second column, right next to the Color Palette. Here you can pick your brush mode. You can choose from modes like V (Voxel), F (Face), B (Box), L (Line), C (Center) and P (Pattern). You can also choose an action to Attach, Erase, Paint or Move voxels using the current brush.
  • View Options: You can find this section just below the Brush section in the same column. Here you can quickly toggle various display options like DG (Display Ground), SW (Display Shadow), BG (Display Background), Grid (Display Grid), Edge (Display Edges) and Frame (Display Frame).
  • Editor: This middle section is where you’ll edit all your voxel creations. You can navigate through this area with your mouse.

    Rotate by holding the right-mouse button down while dragging, Zoom by rolling the mouse wheel up or down, and perform the selected Action by clicking the left-mouse button on the scene.

    Set the Name of your voxel creation at the top of the editor. You can also set the Dimensions of your voxel creation; this model has the dimensions 20 21 20 noted at the top-right side of the editor.

  • Edit Options: The second last column on the right contains a set of common, useful operations that you might want to perform on your voxel creation. Zero empties the model, Fill fills the model with same color, Full sets the model to full volume. There are also operations to Rotate, Flip and Loop your model around an axis.
  • File Options: The very last column is where you can Load, Save, Save As, Duplicate and even Delete voxel models and patterns.
  • Export Options: You’ll find this section right at the bottom of the right-most column. These are all the available export options MagicaVoxel has to offer.
Note: Feel free to play around a bit first. Don’t be afraid, you won’t break anything. Review the above sections again in more detail to get a good feel for the entire UI before you continue with the next section. There is also an excellent video tutorial on their site.

Creating a Voxel Model

Time to get those clean hands dirty and build something spectacular: a handsome little Mr. Pig!

In this section you will follow precise instructions to build your own Mr. Pig. The process is quite similar to how you’d dissect a poor little frog in Biology class — only in reverse. :]

Note: The following workflow covers most of the basic techniques used to build voxel models using MagicaVoxel. Follow the steps carefully, and take particular notice of how you configure the brush in each step.

Creating a New Model

Start off by creating a blank slate for yourself.

Select New under File Options to create a new model. Set the voxel model dimensions to 9 9 9, then click Zero under the Editor Options to clear out the entire model.

Name the model MrPig at the top of the editor and press Enter when you’re done. Select Save when prompted:

Note: Your model will also now be available on the right-hand side, under the File Options.

Creating the Base

You’ll start by creating the base of Mr. Pig’s body.

Select a nice light piggy-pink color from the color palette on the left.

Set the brush by pressing B to go into Box Mode, then press T to select Attach.

Hover to position (x: 1, y: 7, z: -1). Left-click and hold the mouse button while dragging to (x: 7, y: 7, z: -1). Release once you’re there to create a one voxel-high base.

Extruding the Base

Change the brush by pressing F to go into Face Mode, and make sure Attach is still selected.

Left-click the top face of the base layer to extrude it one voxel upwards. Repeat this until the base box is 6 voxels high:

You can toggle Grid in View Options to help see the dimensions more clearly.

Creating the Head

Now to create the section that houses the most important part of Mr. Pig — his brains! It’s also important to point out that the accuracy of a voxel pig’s anatomy is never to be questioned. :]

Change the brush back to Box Mode by pressing B, again making sure that Attach is selected.

Start off at position (x: 2, y: 6, z: 5). Left-click and drag to (x: 6, y: 4, z: 5):

Creating the Snout

Now to construct the second most important part of Mr. Pig — his snout!

Select a dark pink color from the color palette on the left.

Using the same brush settings from the previous step, create a box from (x: 2, y: 1, z: 3) to (x: 6, y: 1, z: 1):

Carving out Nostrils and Eyes

How on earth will Mr. Pig sniff out those lovely hidden truffles without actual nostrils in his snout?

Change the brush to Voxel Mode by pressing V. Then press R to select Erase.

Erase two nostrils in his snout, using the image below as a reference:

Separate his big eyes too while you’re at it:

Creating the Tail

Time to play Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Piggy. :] Make sure you still have the same dark pink color selected as before.

Rotate the pig 180 degrees around the y-axis to expose the pig’s hind-side.

While still in Voxel Mode, press T to select Attach and build a little spiral tail starting at (x: 4, y: 7, z: 2) so that it resembles this image:

Once done, rotate that pig 180 degrees around the y-axis again so that you can finish up his front-side.

Adding Ears

Mr. Pig needs to listen for oncoming traffic; you’ll give your pig the gift of hearing with some ear flaps.

Use the same dark pink color and brush settings as before.

Press 1 to turn on mirroring along the x-axis. You will notice the mirror X button will turn on. Whatever you do now on one side will automatically mirror to the other side.

Start building one ear, voxel by voxel, and you’ll see the other ear built at the same time. Reference these images to get a sense of where to start and where to end:

Adding Legs

What do you call a pig without legs? Ground pork! :] Right now, Mr. Pig sits on the bottom of the bounding box, so you need to move him upwards to make room for his little legs. You can either go into Move Mode and drag your model one voxel upwards or hold down the Command key and drag one voxel upwards to get the same effect.

Now, rotate the pig upwards so that his belly is exposed. With the same color and brush settings, make sure mirroring is still turned on along the x-axis. Start building the hind legs first, then the front legs. Again, use the images as your reference:

Finishing Touches

You’re almost done; all that’s left is to color in the missing bits and pieces.

To do that, go into Paint Mode by pressing G.

Select a white color from the palette on the left and click on the voxels that form the white of Mr. Pig’s eyes. Once you’re done, select a black color and paint in the pupils:

Next, angle the pig so that he directly faces you.

Paint in his dark ears and dark nostrils like so:

Excellent! You’ve completed your first voxel model. To top it off, you’ve also learned quite a few useful tips and tricks along the way.

Exporting the Voxel Model

Now that you’ve created some awesome voxel art, you’re probably eager to use it in your game! Unfortunately, SceneKit doesn’t directly support MagicaVoxel’s native file format .vox. Luckily, there’s a way to save your bacon, and that is to export your voxel model in the more commonly used .obj format.

The .obj file format, is an open-standard geometry definition developed by Wavefront Technologies and supported by many 3D authoring tools.

Exporting a voxel model from MagicaVoxel is as easy as falling off a hog. Er — log. :]

Exporting a Voxel Model As An .obj

Mr. Pig needs a nemesis — enter Mr. Wolf!

Note: There’s a special surprise waiting for you under the resources folder. In there you’ll find a MrWolf.vox file, which you’ll use to explore exporting .vox files to .obj. Copy MrWolf.vox to Applications/MagicaVoxel/vox, then open up the model in MagicaVoxel.

Once you’ve got Mr. Wolf loaded, you can take a look at the steps to export him in a useful format.

To export any voxel model from MagicaVoxel as an .obj, simply click obj under the Export section at the bottom right:

If you don’t see the option listed, simply click Export to expand the menu.

Supply a file name and destination for the files to be exported. For now, leave everything at their default and click Save.

Excellent — you’re all done. Yup, it’s that simple!

You’ll find your exported files under Applications/MagicaVoxel/export/. You can also find a copy of these in the resources folder of your project for your convenience.

MagicalVoxel exports three distinct files as part of your model:

  • MrWolf.mtl: This is the material library file that contains definitions for colors, textures and a reflection map.
  • MrWolf.obj: This is the Wavefront .obj file that contains the geometry information for your voxel model.
  • MrWolf.png: This is your voxel model’s diffuse texture map, which contains all the colors used in your model.

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the finished version of these models here.

You accomplished a lot in this tutorial:

  • MagicaVoxel: You now know how easy it is to create your very own stunning voxel graphics.
  • Exporting: You learned how to export your voxel models into a commonly used .obj format. Now you can use your voxel models with any available 3D authoring tool out there.

Creating art for your game has never been easier than with voxel graphics. Programmer art using voxel graphics can be a great time-saver, but it might also expose your hidden talent for fun and funky game art!

Now that you’ve got mad voxel skills, nothing is going to stop you from creating your very own mega-hit voxel styled game!

If you enjoyed what you learned in this tutorial, why not check out the complete 3D Apple Games by Tutorials book, available on our store?

The trailer below gives you a good, fast overview of what the book’s about:

Here’s an overview of what’s in the book:

  • Section I: Hello, SceneKit!: This section covers the basics of making 3D games with SceneKit. You’ll look at the most important techniques used in almost every 3D SceneKit game created, and by the end of this section you’ll know enough to make your very own little 3D game: Geometry Fighter. This is a Fruit Ninja style game, with colorful geometric shapes thrown up into the air for your pure destructive indulgence. Seek out your inner Darth Vader and use the force to destroy the colorful shapes with a single touch of death!
  • Section II: The SceneKit Editor: Xcode include a variety of standard built-in tools; in this section, you’ll take an in-depth look at them. These tools will make building your 3D games with SceneKit easier, faster and even more fun. Throughout this section you’ll be making a game called Breaker, which is based on Breakout, but it adds a nice new 3D look and feel. Keep your paddle and ball close by, so you can go bust up some bricks!
  • Section III: Intermediate SceneKit: In this section you will create stunning a make belief world, with a shiny wooden relic awaits brave warriors with exceptional balancing skills to guide it through a maze high up in the sky. The game is called Marble Maze, and is somewhat based on the Labyrinth-styled games with a twist.
  • Section IV: Other Platforms: In this section, you’ll learn how to leverage your iOS knowledge to build games for the other Apple Platforms: macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
  • Section V: Advanced SceneKit: “The SceneKit Force is quite strong within you, young apprentice.” (Read in a deep, heavy, asthmatic breathing voice. :] ) In this section, you’ll learn few more advanced techniques, as well as apply all the skills you’ve learned up to this point, to creating an awesome little voxel style game. By the end of this section, you’ll know enough to take on the big Hipster Whales out there with your very own game: Mr. Pig. This is a Crossy Road style game with stunning voxel graphics, a catchy tune and some cool sound effects. No need to get your tail in a twist or ham it up — we’ll walk you through every step of building the game!
  • Section VI: 3D Game Art: We’ve also included a bonus chapter, all about creating your own voxel-style art, à la Mr. Pig!

By the end of this book, you’ll have some great hands-on experience with how to build exciting, good-looking games using Swift and SceneKit!

And to help sweeten the deal, the digital edition of the book is on sale for $49.99! But don’t wait — this sale price is only available for a limited time.

Speaking of sweet deals, be sure to check out the great prizes we’re giving away this year with the iOS 11 Launch Party, including over $9,000 in giveaways!

To enter, simply retweet this post using the #ios11launchparty hashtag by using the button below:

We hope you enjoy this update to one of our most-loved books. Stay tuned for more book releases and updates coming soon!

The post MagicaVoxel 3D Art Tutorial appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

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