With iOS 11, Apple released the Core ML framework which allows you to integrate trained machine learning models into your app. Apple provide a tool to convert many model formats into their .mlmodel
format. But how do you create and train a machine learning model in the first place? In this tutorial, you’ll get a head start on creating your own machine learning model with Python using scikit-learn and integrating it into an iOS app via Apple’s Core ML framework. In the process, you’ll learn how to:
- Install popular Python machine learning packages on macOS.
- Create predictive machine learning models.
- Integrate these models into your own iOS apps.
Getting Started
Download the starter project, and build and run it.
The app has 3 sliders, one for each of the advertising budgets: TV ads, radio ads and newspaper ads. Over the past few years, you’ve recorded the amount spent on advertising (shown in thousands of dollars), as well as the sales you made (shown in thousands of units).
Now you want to build and train a machine learning model to help predict your sales outcomes based on various advertising budget scenarios. Afterwards, you want to conveniently package the model into an iOS app so you and your teams can check outcomes on the fly.
In this tutorial, you’ll build this model and integrate it into the app using Core ML so that when you move any of the sliders, the sales prediction will update.
But first, you’ll need to install the necessary Python tools.
Installing Anaconda
Anaconda is an open source distribution. It contains thousands of preconfigured packages that enable users to get up-and-running quickly with the most popular Data Science and Machine Learning tools in Python.
In this tutorial, you’ll only be scratching the surface of what Anaconda has to offer, so I encourage you to check out anaconda.org to learn more about it.
To install Anaconda, head over to their downloads area, and Download the Python 2.7 version; Apple’s coremltools
only work with Python 2.
Once downloaded, run the installer. Continue through the Introduction, Read Me and License until you get to the Destination Select step. The easiest and cleanest way to install Anaconda is into a local project. To do this, select Install on a specific disk…, select the correct disk, click Choose Folder…, navigate into your a user directory of your choosing, and create a new folder called Beginning-Machine-Learning.
After selecting the destination, click Continue, then Install, to begin the installation process. This should take ~10 minutes.
To verify your installation, open Terminal and cd
(change directory) into the Beginning-Machine-Learning folder where you installed anaconda. Then, enter the following command:
./anaconda2/bin/python --version
You’ll see a successful response with a Python 2 version, like so:
Congratulations! Python is installed along with its most important data science/machine learning packages.
Installing Core ML Community Tools
One tool that Anaconda doesn’t include is coremltools
, an Open Source project from Apple that you’ll use later to convert the scikit-learn model into a format that you can use in your iOS app.
In Terminal, run the following command from the Beginning-Machine-Learning directory:
./anaconda2/bin/pip install -U coremltools
Jupyter Notebook
With everything installed, you’re ready to get started with Jupyter Notebook; think of Jupyter Notebook as Swift Playgrounds, but for Python.
While in the Beginning-Machine-Learning directory, enter the following two commands into Terminal:
mkdir notebooks
./anaconda2/bin/jupyter notebook notebooks
Here, you first created a new folder named notebooks. Then, you started the Jupyter Notebook Server from that new folder.
Your default browser should open up with a Jupyter Notebook page. If not, you’ll see the url of the page in terminal so you can just open it manually; it should look something like this: http://localhost:8888/?token=7609a66aaffa819340a882f8ff88361db3f72667c07c764d
Now you need to create a new notebook. To do this, click New, then Python 2:
Give the new notebook a better name. Click File, then Rename…, and change the name to Advertising:
Click the floppy disk to save your changes.
Notebooks are a lot like Swift Playgrounds. You can enter Python expressions, then hit Control-Enter to execute them and see the results inline.
Try typing something like 2 + 2
and hitting Control-Enter to get the results. Also, try using Shift+Enter to insert a new cell, as well as executing the current one.
You can also create functions and classes like you would in a normal Python file:
If you want to further understand the interface, check out the User Interface Tour by selecting Help in the menubar.
Once you’re ready, Shift-click the empty space to the left of each cell and use the dd shortcut to delete any cells you made while getting the hang of things.
With a clean notebook, you’re ready for the next step: creating a linear regression model to predict advertising revenue.
Training and Validating a Linear Regression Model
Download this sample advertising data and place the csv file into your notebooks folder.
Now, enter the following code into the first cell of your notebook:
import pandas as pd
Run the cell using Shift-Enter. Then, add the following lines to the second cell and run that cell as well:
adver = pd.read_csv("Advertising.csv", usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4])
First, you imported the pandas
library. pandas
is a data analysis library with many tools to import, clean and transform data.
Real-world data isn’t ready-to-use like the sample advertising data. You’ll be using pandas
to get it into shape for use as inputs into your machine learning model. In the code above, you used it to import the csv file and transform it into pandas
’ format — a data frame, which is a standard format most Python machine learning libraries, including scikit-learn, will accept as inputs.
You should see the first few lines of the data in the notebook. Each line represents one data point: how much was spent on TV, radio and newspaper advertising, and the resulting sales for a particular period.
Firstly, you need to separate out the input columns in the data from the output column. By convention, these are called, X
and y
, respectively. Enter the following code into a new cell and run it:
X, y = adver.iloc[:, :-1], adver.iloc[:, -1]
To properly train and validate a model, you need to split the data into two sets:
- Training set: Used to train the model. These samples are used as inputs into the machine learning algorithms.
- Testing set: Not yet seen by the model, this set is used to test or validate the model. Since the sales for the test set are already known and independent from the training set, the test set can be used to get a score for how well the model was trained using the training set.
Luckily, scikit-learn provides an easy to use function for splitting data into train and test sets. Add the following into the first cell in your notebook, under the pandas
import sklearn.model_selection as ms
Make sure that cell has focus, then run it using Control-Enter. Now, at the end of the notebook, type the following into a new cell and run that cell as well:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = ms.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)
The function returns 4 values: the inputs to use for training and testing, and the outputs to use for training and testing. The function takes the following parameters:
- X: The inputs (spending amounts) that we read in from the Advertisments.csv sample data.
- y: The output (number of sales) also from the sample data.
- test_size: The percentage of the data to use for testing, this is typically set to be anywhere from 25% to 40%.
- random_state: If not entered, the function will randomly select rows to use for the train and test samples. In production, this is exactly what you want, but for development and tutorials like this one, it’s important to get consistent results so you know where to look when things go wrong.
Learn more about the train_test_split
function here.
Now that the data is split the way you want, it’s time to create and train a linear regression model from that data.
In the cell that contains the pandas
and the sklearn.model_selection
imports, append the following import and run the cell:
import sklearn.linear_model as lm
Then, at the bottom of the notebook, enter the following lines into a new cell and run that too:
regr = lm.LinearRegression() # 1
regr.fit(X_train, y_train) # 2
regr.score(X_test, y_test) # 3
- Here, you’re creating a linear regression model object (
). - For scikit-learn models, the
method always trains the model, it takes in the training inputs columns and the output column. - The score is what determines how good the model is. Most scikit-learn models have a score method that takes the test data as parameters. In the case of linear regression, the score gives you a sense of how close the predicted outputs were to the actual outputs from the test data.
You should see the score as 0.89.
Now you can use the linear regression object to predict sales for new input values. To do so, add the following into another cell and run it:
X_new = [[ 50.0, 150.0, 150.0],
[250.0, 50.0, 50.0],
[100.0, 125.0, 125.0]]
You should see the following output:
array([ 34.15367536, 23.83792444, 31.57473763])
So if you spent $50k, $150k and $150k on marketing for the three platforms, you can expect sales of 34,150 units!
The three steps you used to train a linear regression are the same exact steps you’ll need to use for the vast majority of scikit-learn models.
Next, you’ll use the same three methods to create and train a support vector machine (SVM) model. SVMs are one of the most popular machine learning tools. Because they’re more sophisticated models, they take longer to properly train and tune.
Training and Validating a Support Vector Machine Model
Add another import to your first cell and re-run it:
import sklearn.svm as svm
Then, add each of the following blocks of code into a cell and run them both:
svr = svm.LinearSVR(random_state=42)
svr.fit(X_train, y_train)
svr.score(X_test, y_test)
You should see a score of 0.867 and a new set of predictions. You”ll see that the SVM predictions are similar, but quite different. Support vector machines work in different ways and may or may not be appropriate for your data. One of the hardest parts of machine learning is finding the right model and the right parameters for that model to get the best results.
If you want to learn more about SVMs, take a look at the documentation on scikit-learn.org.
Converting the Model to Apple’s Core ML Format
With the model built, it’s time to export it to Core ML. You installed coremltools
at the beginning of this tutorial, so go ahead and add the import into the first cell, and run it one last time:
import coremltools
Now, in the last cell of the notebook, enter the following code and run it:
input_features = ["tv", "radio", "newspaper"]
output_feature = "sales"
model = coremltools.converters.sklearn.convert(regr, input_features, output_feature)
The coremltools.converters.sklearn.convert
function takes the following parameters:
- The scikit-learn model to be converted.
- Input and output feature names that Xcode will use to generate a Swift class interface.
Finally, save()
takes in the filename of the export. You should be sure to use the .mlmodel extension when saving your model.
The completed notebook will look something like this:
If you look in the folder where the notebook is stored, you’ll see a new file named Advertising.mlmodel. This is the Core ML model file that you can drop into Xcode! You’ll do that next.
Integrating the Core ML Model into Your App
Head back to the starter project that you built and ran earlier, and drag Advertising.mlmodel, from the notebooks directory, into the Project navigator in Xcode.
When prompted, check the Copy items if needed, Create groups and Advertising boxes, and then click Finish. Once your model has been imported into your Xcode project, click on it in the Project navigator and you’ll see some information about it:
. If you want do this, take a look at the Model Interface documentation to see what metadata you can provide.After a few moments, you should see Automatically generated Swift model class. Tapping on the little arrow above will take you to an interface that Xcode has generated from the .mlmodel
Open ViewController.swift and add a new property right under numberFormatter
private let advertising = Advertising()
Then, scroll down to sliderValueChanged(_:)
, and replace the following line:
let sales = 0.0
With the following code:
let input = AdvertisingInput(tv: tv, radio: radio, newspaper: newspaper)
guard let output = try? advertising.prediction(input: input) else {
let sales = output.sales
Analogous to scikit-learn’s predict()
method, the Core ML model has a prediction
method that takes an input struct and returns an output struct, both of which Xcode had generated earlier.
Build and run the app. Notice how the sales prediction updates whenever you change one of the input parameters!
Where to Go From Here?
You can download the completed iOS app and Jupyter notebook from here.
Be sure to check out the scikit-learn documentation, especially the flowchart to choose the right estimator. All the estimators in scikit-learn follow the same API, so you can try many different machine learning algorithms to find one that fits your use case best.
If you’d like to learn more about other ML libraries, check out our Beginning Machine Learning with Keras & Core ML tutorial.
Also check out this Python Data Science Handbook, which has a section on machine learning with many more algorithms.
We hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and if you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!
The post Beginning Machine Learning with scikit-learn appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.