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Modern Core Graphics with Swift: Part 1



Imagine you’ve finished your app and it works just fine, but the interface lacks style. You could draw several sizes of all your custom control images in Photoshop and hope that Apple doesn’t come out with a @4x retina screen…

Or, you could think ahead and use Core Graphics to create one image in code that scales crisply for any size device.

Core Graphics is Apple’s vector drawing framework – it’s a big, powerful API and there’s a lot to learn. But never fear – this three-part series will ease you into it by starting out simple, and by the end you’ll be able to create stunning graphics ready to use in your apps.

This is a brand new series, with a modern approach to teaching Core Graphics. The series is fully up-to-date with Xcode 6 and Swift, and covers cool new features like @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable that make learning Core Graphics fun and easy.

So grab your favorite beverage and let’s begin!

Introducing Flo – One glass at a time

You’ll be creating a complete app to track your drinking habits.

Specifically, it makes it easy to track how much water you drink. “They” tell us that drinking eight glasses of water a day is healthy, but it’s easy to lose track after a few glasses. This is where Flo comes in; every time you polish off a refreshing glass of water, tap the counter. You’ll also see a graph of your previous seven days’ consumption.


In the first part of this series, you’ll create three controls using UIKit’s drawing methods.

Then in part two , you’ll have a deeper look at Core Graphics contexts and draw the graph.

In part three , you’ll create a patterned background and award yourself a homemade Core Graphics medal. :]

Getting Started

Your first task is to create your very own Flo app. There is no download to get you going, because you’ll learn more if you build it from the ground up.

Create a new project (File\New\Project…), select the template iOS\Application\Single View Application and click Next.

Fill out the project options. Set the Product Name to Flo, the Language to Swift and Devices to iPhone, and click Next.


On the final screen, uncheck Create Git repository and click Create.

You now have a starter project with a storyboard and a view controller.

Custom Drawing on Views

Whenever you want to do some custom drawing, you just need to take three steps:

  1. Create a UIView subclass.
  2. Override drawRect(_:) and add some Core Graphics drawing code.
  3. There is no step 3 – that’s it! :]

Let’s try this out by making a custom-drawn plus button.


Create a new file (File\New\File…), choose iOS\Source\Cocoa Touch Class and name the new class PushButtonView. Make it a subclass of UIButton, and ensure the language is Swift. Click Next and then Create.

UIButton is a subclass of UIView, so all methods in UIView, such as drawRect(_:), are also available in UIButton.

In Main.storyboard, drag a UIButton into the view controller’s view, and select the button in the Document Outline.

In the Identity Inspector, change the class to use your own PushButtonView.


In the Size Inspector, set X=250, Y=350, Width=100, and Height=100:


Auto Layout Constraints

Now you’ll set up the Auto Layout constraints (text instructions follow):


  • With the button selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly left (still within the button), and choose Width from the popup menu.
  • Similarly, with the button selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly up (still within the button), and choose Height from the popup menu.
  • Control-drag left from inside the button to outside the button, and choose Center Vertically in Container.
  • Finally control-drag up from inside the button to outside the button and choose Center Horizontally in Container.

This will create the four required auto layout constraints, and you can now see them in the Size Inspector:


In the Attributes Inspector, remove the default title “Button”.


You can build and run at this point if you’d like, but right now you’ll just see a blank screen at that point. Let’s fix that up!

Drawing the Button

Recall the button you’re trying to make is circular:


To draw a shape in Core Graphics, you define a path that tells Core Graphics the line to trace (like two straight lines for the plus) or the line to fill (like the circle which should be filled here). If you’re familiar with Illustrator or the vector shapes in Photoshop, then you’ll easily understand paths.

There are three fundamentals to know about paths:

  • A path can be stroked and filled.
  • A stroke outlines the path in the current stroke color.
  • A fill will fill up a closed path with the current fill color.

One easy way to create a Core Graphics path is through a handy class called UIBezierPath. This lets you easily create paths with a user-friendly API, whether you want to create paths based on lines, curves, rectangles, or a series of connected points.

Let’s try using UIBezierPath to create a path, and then fill it with a green color. To do this, open PushButtonView.swift and change the commented out drawRect(_:) code to:

override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
  var path = UIBezierPath(ovalInRect: rect)

First you created an oval-shaped UIBezierPath that is the size of the rectangle passed to it. In this case, it’ll be the 100×100 button you defined in the storyboard, so the “oval” will actually be a circle.

Paths themselves don’t draw anything. You can define paths without an available drawing context. To draw the path, you gave the current context a fill color, and then fill the path.

Build and run the application, and you’ll see the green circle.


So far, you’ve discovered how easy it is to make custom-shaped views. You’ve done this by creating a UIButton subclass, overriding drawRect(_:) and adding the UIButton to your storyboard.


Behind the Scenes in Core Graphics

Each UIView has a graphics context, and all drawing for the view renders into this context before being transferred to the device’s hardware.

iOS updates the context by calling drawRect(_:) whenever the view needs to be updated. This happens when:

  • The view is new to the screen.
  • Other views on top of it are moved.
  • The view’s hidden property is changed.
  • Your app explicitly calls the setNeedsDisplay() or setNeedsDisplayInRect() methods on the view.

Note: Any drawing done in drawRect(_:) goes into the view’s graphics context. Be aware that if you start drawing outside of drawRect(_:), as you’ll do in the final part of this tutorial, you’ll have to create your own graphics context.

You haven’t used Core Graphics yet in this tutorial because UIKit has wrappers around many of the Core Graphics functions. A UIBezierPath, for example, is a wrapper for a CGMutablePath, which is the lower-level Core Graphics API.

Note: Never call drawRect(_:) directly. If your view is not being updated, then call setNeedsDisplay() on the view.

setNeedsDisplay() does not itself call drawRect(_:), but it flags the view as ‘dirty’, triggering a redraw using drawRect(_:) on the next screen update cycle. Even if you call setNeedsDisplay() five times in the same method you’ll only ever actually call drawRect(_:) once.

@IBDesignable – Interactive Drawing

Creating code to draw a path and then running the app to see what it looks like can be about as exciting as watching paint dry, but you’ve got options. Live Rendering, a terrific new feature in Xcode 6, allows you to give a view to the @IBDesignable attribute. As you update the view in drawRect(_:), it’ll immediately update on the storyboard.

Still in PushButtonView.swift, just before the class declaration, add:


This opens up Live Rendering to you.

Now set up your screen so that you have the storyboard and the code side by side.

Do this by selecting PushButtonView.swift to show the code, then at the top right, click the Assistant Editor — the icon that looks like two intertwined rings. The storyboard should then show on the right hand pane. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to choose the storyboard in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the pane:


Close the document outline at the left of the storyboard to free up some room. Do this either by dragging the edge of the document outline pane or clicking the button at the bottom of the storyboard:


When you’re all done, your screen should look like this:


In PushButtonView‘s drawRect(_:), change




and you’ll immediately see the change in the storyboard. Pretty cool!


Now let’s create the lines for the plus sign.

Drawing Into the Context

Core Graphics uses a “painter’s model.”

When you draw into a context, it’s exactly like making a painting. You lay down a path and fill it, and then lay down another path on top and fill it. You can’t change the pixels that have been laid down, but you can “paint” over them.

This image from Apple’s documentation describes how this works. Just as it is when you’re painting on a canvas, the order in which you draw is critical.


Your plus sign is going on top of the blue circle, so first you code the blue circle and then the plus sign.

You could draw two rectangles for the plus sign, but it’s easier to draw a path and then stroke it with the desired thickness.

Add this code to the end of drawRect(_:) to draw the horizontal dash of the plus sign:

//set up the width and height variables
//for the horizontal stroke
let plusHeight: CGFloat = 3.0
let plusWidth: CGFloat = 45.0
//create the path
var plusPath = UIBezierPath()
//set the path's line width to the height of the stroke
plusPath.lineWidth = plusHeight
//move the initial point of the path
//to the start of the horizontal stroke
  x:bounds.width/2 - plusWidth/2,
//add a point to the path at the end of the stroke
  x:bounds.width/2 + plusWidth/2,
//set the stroke color
//draw the stroke

In this block, you set up a UIBezierPath, give it a start position (left side of the circle) and draw to the end position (right side of the circle). Then you stroke the path outline in white. At this point, you should see this in the Storyboard:

In your storyboard, you’ll now have a blue circle with a dash in the middle of it:


Note: Remember that a path simply consists of points. Here’s an easy way to grasp the concept: when creating the path imagine that you have a pen in hand. Put two dots on a page, then place the pen at the starting point, and then draw a line to the next point by drawing a line.

That’s essentially what you do with the above code by using moveToPoint(_:) and addLineToPoint(_:).

Now run the application on either an iPad 2 or an iPhone 6 Plus simulator, and you’ll notice the dash is not as crisp as it should be. It has a pale blue line encircling it.


Points and Pixels

Back in the days of the very first iPhones, points and pixels occupied the same space and were the same size, making them essentially the same thing. When retina iPhones came into existence, suddenly there were quadruple the amounts of pixels on the screen for the same number of points.

Similarly, the iPhone 6 Plus has once again increased the amount of pixels for the same points.

Note: The following is conceptual – the actual hardware pixels may differ. For example, after rendering 3x, the iPhone 6 Plus downsamples to display the full image on the screen. To learn more about iPhone 6 Plus downsampling, check out this great post.

Here’s a grid of 12×12 pixels, where points are shown in gray and white. The first (iPad 2) is a direct mapping of points to pixels. The second (iPhone 6) is a 2x retina screen, where there are 4 pixels to a point, and the third (iPhone 6 Plus) is a 3x retina screen, where there are 9 pixels to a point.


The line you’ve just drawn is 3 points high. Lines stroke from the center of the path, so 1.5 points will draw on either side of the center line of the path.

This picture shows drawing a 3-point line on each of the devices. You can see that the iPad 2 and the iPhone 6 Plus result in the line being drawn across half a pixel — which of course can’t be done. So, iOS anti-aliases the half-filled pixels with a color half way between the two colors, and the line looks fuzzy.


In reality, the iPhone 6 Plus has so many pixels, that you probably won’t notice the fuzziness, although you should check this for your own app on the device. But if you’re developing for non-retina screens like the iPad 2 or iPad mini, you should do anything you can to avoid anti-aliasing.

If you have oddly sized straight lines, you’ll need to position them at plus or minus 0.5 points to prevent anti-aliasing. If you look at the diagrams above, you’ll see that a half point on the iPad 2 will move the line up half a pixel, on the iPhone 6, up one whole pixel, and on the iPhone 6 Plus, up one and a half pixels.

In drawRect(_:), replace the moveToPoint and addLineToPoint code lines with:

//move the initial point of the path
//to the start of the horizontal stroke
  x:bounds.width/2 - plusWidth/2 + 0.5,
  y:bounds.height/2 + 0.5))
//add a point to the path at the end of the stroke
  x:bounds.width/2 + plusWidth/2 + 0.5,
  y:bounds.height/2 + 0.5))

iOS will now render the lines sharply on all three devices because you’re now shifting the path by half a point.

Note: For pixel perfect lines, you can draw and fill a UIBezierPath(rect:) instead of a line, and use the view’s contentScaleFactor to calculate the width and height of the rectangle. Unlike strokes that draw outwards from the center of the path, fills only draw inside the path.

Add the vertical stroke of the plus just after the previous two lines of code, and before setting the stroke color in drawRect(_:). I bet you can figure out how to do this on your own, since you’ve already drawn a horizontal stroke:

Solution Inside: Solution SelectShow>

You should now see the live rendering of the plus button in your storyboard. This completes the drawing for the plus button.


@IBInspectable – Custom Storyboard Properties

So you know that frantic moment when you tap a button more than needed, just to make sure it registers? Well, you need to provide a way for the user to reverse such overzealous tapping — you need a minus button.

A minus button is identical to the plus button except that it has no vertical bar and sports a different color. You’ll use the same PushButtonView class for the minus button, and declare what sort of button it is and its color when you add it to your storyboard.

@IBInspectable is an attribute you can add to a property that makes it readable by Interface Builder.

At the top of the PushButtonView class, add these two properties:

@IBInspectable var fillColor: UIColor = UIColor.greenColor()
@IBInspectable var isAddButton: Bool = true

Change the fill color code at the top of drawRect(_:) from




The button will turn green in your storyboard view.

Surround the vertical line code in drawRect(_:) with an if statement:

//Vertical Line
if isAddButton {
  //vertical line code moveToPoint(_:) and addLineToPoint(_:)
//existing code
//set the stroke color
//draw the stroke

This makes it so you only draw the vertical line if isAddButton is set – this way the button can be either a plus or a minus button.

The completed PushButtonView looks like this:

import UIKit
class PushButtonView: UIButton {
  @IBInspectable var fillColor: UIColor = UIColor.greenColor()
  @IBInspectable var isAddButton: Bool = true
  override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
    var path = UIBezierPath(ovalInRect: rect)
    //set up the width and height variables
    //for the horizontal stroke
    let plusHeight: CGFloat = 3.0
    let plusWidth: CGFloat = 45.0
    //create the path
    var plusPath = UIBezierPath()
    //set the path's line width to the height of the stroke
    plusPath.lineWidth = plusHeight
    //move the initial point of the path
    //to the start of the horizontal stroke
      x:bounds.width/2 - plusWidth/2 + 0.5,
      y:bounds.height/2 + 0.5))
    //add a point to the path at the end of the stroke
      x:bounds.width/2 + plusWidth/2 + 0.5,
      y:bounds.height/2 + 0.5))
    //Vertical Line
    if isAddButton {
      //move to the start of the vertical stroke
        x:bounds.width/2 + 0.5,
        y:bounds.height/2 - plusWidth/2 + 0.5))
      //add the end point to the vertical stroke
        x:bounds.width/2 + 0.5,
        y:bounds.height/2 + plusWidth/2 + 0.5))
    //set the stroke color
    //draw the stroke

In your storyboard, select the push button view. The two properties you declared with @IBInspectable appear at the top of the Attributes Inspector:

Change Fill Color to the RGB(87, 218, 213), and change the Is Add Button to off.


The changes will take place immediately in the storyboard:


Pretty cool, eh? Now change Is Add Button back to on to return the button to a plus button.

A Second Button

Add a new UIButton to the storyboard, select it, and update the size and position in the Size Inspector to set X=275, Y=480, Width=50, and Height=50:


In the Identity Inspector, change the UIButton class to PushButtonView.


The green plus button will be drawn under your old plus button.

In the Attributes Inspector, change Fill Color to a RGB(238, 77, 77) and change Is Add Button to off.

Remove the default title Button.


Add the auto layout constraints for the new view similarly to how you did before:

  • With the button selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly left (still within the button), and choose Width from the popup menu.
  • Similarly, with the button selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly up (still within the button), and choose Height from the popup menu.
  • Control-drag up from inside the button to outside the button and choose Center Horizontally in Container.
  • Control-drag up from the bottom button to the top button, and choose Vertical Spacing.

Build and run the application. You now have a reusable customizable view that you can add to any app. It’s also crisp and sharp on any size device. Here it is on the iPhone 4S.


Arcs with UIBezierPath

The next customized view you’ll create is this one:


This looks like a filled shape, but the arc is actually just a fat stroked path. The outlines are another stroked path consisting of two arcs.

Create a new file, File\New\File…, choose Cocoa Touch Class, and name the new class CounterView. Make it a subclass of UIView, and ensure the language is Swift. Click Next, and then click Create.

Replace the code with:

import UIKit
let NoOfGlasses = 8
let π:CGFloat = CGFloat(M_PI)
@IBDesignable class CounterView: UIView {
  @IBInspectable var counter: Int = 5 
  @IBInspectable var outlineColor: UIColor = UIColor.blueColor()
  @IBInspectable var counterColor: UIColor = UIColor.orangeColor()
  override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {

Note: Now that Apple allows Unicode characters in constant and variable names, you can use π as a constant for pi that will make your code more readable. You type in π by pressing Alt and P at the same time.

Here you create two constants. NoOfGlasses is the target number of glasses to drink per day. When this figure is reached, the counter will be at its maximum.

You also create three @IBInspectable properties that you can update in the storyboard. The variable counter keeps track of the number of glasses consumed, and it’s useful to have the ability to change it in the storyboard, especially for testing the counter view.

Go to Main.storyboard and add a UIView above the plus PushButtonView.

In the Size Inspector, set X=185, Y=70, Width=230, and Height=230:


Add the auto layout constraints for the new view similarly to how you did before:

  • With the view selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly left (still within the view), and choose Width from the popup menu.
  • Similarly, with the view selected, control-drag from the center of the button slightly up (still within the view), and choose Height from the popup menu.
  • Control-drag up from inside the view to outside the view and choose Center Horizontally in Container.
  • Control-drag down from the view to the top button, and choose Vertical Spacing.

In the Identity Inspector, change the class of the UIView to CounterView. Any drawing that you code in drawRect(_:) will now show up in the view.

Impromptu Math Lesson

We interrupt this tutorial for a brief, and hopefully un-terrifying look back at high school level math. As Douglas Adams would say – Don’t Panic! :]

Drawing in the context is based on this unit circle. A unit circle is a circle with a radius of 1.0.


The red arrow shows where your arc will start and end, drawing in a clockwise direction. You’ll draw an arc from the position 3π / 4 radians — that’s the equivalent of 135º, clockwise to π / 4 radians – that’s 45º.

Radians are generally used in programming instead of degrees, and it’s useful to be able to think in radians so that you don’t have to convert to degrees every time you want to work with circles. Later on you’ll need to figure out the arc length, which is when radians will come into play.

An arc’s length in a unit circle (where the radius is 1.0) is the same as the angle’s measurement in radians. For example, looking at the diagram above, the length of the arc from 0º to 90º is π/2. To calculate the length of the arc in a real situation, take the unit circle arc length and multiply it by the actual radius.

To calculate the length of the red arrow above, you would simply need to calculate the number of radians it spans:

          2π – end of arrow (3π/4) + point of arrow (π/4) = 3π/2

In degrees that would be:

          360º – 135º + 45º = 270º


Back to Drawing Arcs

In CounterView.swift, add this code to drawRect(_:) to draw the arc:

// 1
let center = CGPoint(x:bounds.width/2, y: bounds.height/2)
// 2
let radius: CGFloat = max(bounds.width, bounds.height)
// 3
let arcWidth: CGFloat = 76
// 4
let startAngle: CGFloat = 3 * π / 4
let endAngle: CGFloat = π / 4
// 5
var path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center,
  radius: bounds.width/2 - arcWidth/2,
  startAngle: startAngle,
  endAngle: endAngle,
  clockwise: true)
// 6
path.lineWidth = arcWidth

Imagine drawing this with a compass — you’d put the point of the compass in the center, open the arm to the radius you need, load it with a thick pen and spin it to draw your arc.

In this code, center is the point of the compass, the radius is the width that the compass is open (less half the width of the pen) and the arc width is the width of the pen.

The following explains what each section does:

  1. Define the center point of the view where you’ll rotate the arc around.
  2. Calculate the radius based on the max dimension of the view.
  3. Define the thickness of the arc.
  4. Define the start and end angles for the arc.
  5. Create a path based on the center point, radius, and angles you just defined.
  6. Set the line width and color before finally stroking the path.

Note: When you’re drawing arcs, this is generally all you need to know, but if you want to dive further into drawing arcs, then Ray’s (older) Core Graphics Tutorial on Arcs and Paths will help.

In the storyboard and when you run your application, this is what you’ll see:


Outlining the Arc

When the user indicates they’ve enjoyed a glass of water, an outline on the counter shows the progress towards the goal of eight glasses.

This outline will consist of two arcs, one outer and one inner, and two lines connecting them.

In CounterView.swift , add this code to the end of drawRect(_:):

//Draw the outline
//1 - first calculate the difference between the two angles
//ensuring it is positive
let angleDifference: CGFloat = 2 * π - startAngle + endAngle
//then calculate the arc for each single glass
let arcLengthPerGlass = angleDifference / CGFloat(NoOfGlasses)
//then multiply out by the actual glasses drunk
let outlineEndAngle = arcLengthPerGlass * CGFloat(counter) + startAngle
//2 - draw the outer arc
var outlinePath = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: center, 
                                  radius: bounds.width/2 - 2.5,
                              startAngle: startAngle, 
                                endAngle: outlineEndAngle,
                               clockwise: true)
//3 - draw the inner arc
                     radius: bounds.width/2 - arcWidth + 2.5,
                 startAngle: outlineEndAngle, 
                   endAngle: startAngle, 
                  clockwise: false)
//4 - close the path
outlinePath.lineWidth = 5.0

A few things to go through here:

  1. outlineEndAngle is the angle where the arc should end, calculated using the current counter value.
  2. outlinePath is the outer arc. The radius is given to UIBezierPath() to calculate the actual length of the arc, as this arc is not a unit circle.
  3. Adds an inner arc to the first arc. This has the same angles but draws in reverse (clockwise is set to false). Also, this draws a line between the inner and outer arc automatically.
  4. Closing the path automatically draws a line at the other end of the arc.

With the counter property in CounterView.swift set to 5, your CounterView should now look like this in the storyboard:


Open Main.storyboard, select the CounterView and in the Attributes Inspector, change the Counter property to check out your drawing code. You’ll find that it is completely interactive. Try adjusting the counter to be more than eight and less than zero. You’ll fix that up later on.

Change the Counter Color to RGB(87, 218, 213), and change the Outline Color to RGB(34, 110, 100).


Making it All Work

Congrats! You have the controls, now all you have to do is wire them up so the plus button increments the counter, and the minus button decrements the counter.

In Main.storyboard, drag a UILabel to the center of the Counter View, and make sure it is a subview of the Counter View.

In the Size Inspector, set X=93, Y=93, Width=44, and Height=44:


In the Attributes Inspector, change Alignment to center, font size to 36 and the default Label title to 8.


Go to ViewController.swift and add these properties to the top of the class:

//Counter outlets
@IBOutlet var counterView: CounterView!
@IBOutlet weak var counterLabel: UILabel!

Still in ViewController.swift, add this method to the end of the class:

@IBAction func btnPushButton(button: PushButtonView) {
  if button.isAddButton {
  } else {
    if counterView.counter > 0 {
  counterLabel.text = String(counterView.counter)

Here you increment or decrement the counter depending on the button’s isAddButton property, make sure the counter doesn’t drop below zero — nobody can drink negative water. :] You also update the counter value in the label.

Speaking of labels, where’s the value? It’s not there because you’ve not put it there. Add this code to the end of viewDidLoad():

counterLabel.text = String(counterView.counter)

This shows the counter value in the label.

In Main.storyboard, connect the CounterView outlet and UILabel outlet. Connect the method to the Touch Up Inside event of the two PushButtonViews.


Run the application and see if your buttons now update the counter label. They should.

But wait, why isn’t the counter view updating?

Think way back to the beginning of this tutorial, and how you only call drawRect(_:) when other views on top of it are moved, or its hidden property is changed, or the view is new to the screen, or your app calls the setNeedsDisplay() or setNeedsDisplayInRect() methods on the view.

However, the Counter View needs to be updated whenever the counter property is updated, otherwise the user will think your app is busted.

Go to CounterView.swift and change the counter property declaration to:

@IBInspectable var counter: Int = 5 {
  didSet {
    if counter <=  NoOfGlasses {
      //the view needs to be refreshed

This code makes it so that the view refreshes only when the counter is less than or equal to the user’s targeted glasses, as the outline only goes up to 8.

Run your app again. Everything should now be working properly.


Where to Go From Here?

You’ve covered basic drawing in this tutorial, and you should now be able to change the shape of views in your UIs. But wait – there’s more! In Part 2 of this tutorial , you’ll explore Core Graphics contexts in more depth and create a graph of your water consumption over time.

You can download the project with all the code up to this point.

If you have any questions or comments please join the forum discussion below.

Modern Core Graphics with Swift: Part 1 is a post from: Ray Wenderlich

The post Modern Core Graphics with Swift: Part 1 appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

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