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Geofencing in iOS with Swift

Learn how to build a location-based reminder app in iOS with geofencing!

Let’s get geofencing!

Geofencing notifies your app when its device enters or leaves geographical regions you set up.

Here are two examples of what you can do with this:

  • Key finding app: You could make an app that triggers a notification whenever you leave home, reminding you to bring those perpetually elusive keys. :]
  • Deal finding app: You could also make an app that greets users with the latest and greatest deals whenever favorite shops are nearby.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use geofencing in iOS with Swift – using the Region Monitoring API in Core Location.

In particular, you’ll create a location-based reminder app called Geotify that will let the user create reminders and associate them with real-world locations. Let’s get started!

Getting Started

Download the starter project. The project provides a simple user interface for adding/removing annotation items to/from a map view. Each annotation item represents a reminder with a location, or as I like to call it, a geotification. :]

Build and run the project, and you’ll see an empty map view.

Interface of Geotify

Tap on the + button on the navigation bar to add a new geotification. The app will present a separate view, allowing you to set up various properties for your geotification.

For this tutorial, you will add a pin on Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. If you don’t know where it is, open this google map in a separate tab and use it to hunt the right spot. Be sure to zoom in to make the pin nice and accurate!

Note: To pinch to zoom on the simulator, hold down option, then hold shift temporarily to move the pinch center, then release shift and click-drag to pinch.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot 20 Feb 2015 10.18.19 pm

The radius represents the distance in meters from the specified location, at which iOS will trigger the notification. The note can be any message you wish to display during the notification.

Enter 1000 for the radius value and Say Hi to Tim! for the note, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 10.14.00 pm

The app also lets the user specify whether it should trigger the reminder upon either entry or exit of the defined circular geofence, via the segmented control at the top. Leave it as Upon Entry for your first geotification, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 10.14.05 pm

Click Add once you’re satisfied with all the values. You’ll see your geotification appear as a new annotation pin on the map view, with a circle around it denoting the defined geofence:

A Geotification

Tap on the pin and you’ll reveal the geotification’s details, such as the reminder note and the event type you specified earlier. Don’t tap on the little cross unless you want to delete the geotification!


Feel free to add or remove as many geotifications as you want. As the app uses NSUserDefaults as a persistence store, the list of geotifications will persist between relaunches.

Now that you have a better appreciation of how the app works from the user’s perspective, you’ll quickly walk through some of the main classes to get up to speed with the project’s structure.

Starter Project Tour

Open Geotification.swift in Xcode. This class represents the basic model class for a geotification and contains all the properties that you saw were configurable via the user interface.

Perhaps you’ve noticed the presence of an additional identifier string property that isn’t exposed in the user interface. The app will use this string internally to uniquely identify each geotification.

In addition, the class adopts the NSCoding protocol to facilitate serializing and deserializing of the object for persistence purposes. As you also need to present the geotification visually as a map annotation, the class adopts the MKAnnotation protocol by implementing the coordinate, title and subtitle properties.

Next, take a look at AddGeotificationViewController.swift. As you saw earlier, this view controller lets the user add a new geotification. First the controller does some basic validation on radiusTextField and noteTextField to ensure non-empty inputs. If it deems both inputs to be valid, the controller enables the Add button.

Finally, take a closer look at onAdd(_:), which is triggered when the user clicks the Add button. Besides grabbing the location coordinates, event type (represented by an enum value of either OnEntry or OnExit), radius and note values from the relevant controls, the method also generates a UUID for the identifier by using the NSUUID class.

The method passes all the values to the class’s delegate and main view controller, GeotificationsViewController, which creates a new geotification based on these values. Then the method adds the geotification to a geotifications list as well as to the main map view.

Note: UUID stands for Uniquely Universal Identifier. A UUID is often represented in 32 hexadecimal characters; for example: 8753A44-4D6F-1226-9C60-0050E4C00067. The NSUUID class provides a convenient means to generate random UUID strings, which you can use to uniquely identify your objects.

Whew! Now that you feel more at home with the starter code, let’s move on to the crux of this tutorial: integrating geofencing into the project!

Setting Up a Location Manager and Permissions

At this point, any geotifications you’ve added to the map view are only for visualization. You’ll fix this by taking each geotification and registering its associated geofence with Core Location for monitoring.

Before any geofence monitoring can happen, though, you need to set up a Location Manager instance and request the appropriate permissions.

Open GeotificationsViewController.swift and add the following line at the top of the file to import the CoreLocation framework:

import CoreLocation

Next, ensure that the GeotificationsViewController conforms to the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol and declare a constant instance of a CLLocationManager near the top of the class, as shown below:

class GeotificationsViewController: UIViewController, AddGeotificationsViewControllerDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate // Add this protocol {
  @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
  var geotifications = [Geotification]()
  let locationManager = CLLocationManager() // Add this statement

Next, replace viewDidLoad() with the following code:

override func viewDidLoad() {
  // 1
  locationManager.delegate = self
  // 2
  // 3

Let’s run through this method step by step:

  1. You set the view controller as the delegate of the locationManager instance so that the view controller can receive the relevant delegate method calls.
  2. You make a call to requestAlwaysAuthorization(), which invokes a prompt to the user requesting for Always authorization to use location services. Apps with geofencing capabilities need Always authorization, due to the need to monitor geofences even when the app isn’t running.
  3. You call loadAllGeotifications(), which deserializes the list of geotifications previously saved to NSUserDefaults and loads them into a local geotifications array. The method also loads the geotifications as annotations on the map view.

Finally, open Info.plist in the Supporting Files group of your project. Add the key NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and set its value to Geotify requires access to your phone’s location to notify you when you enter or leave a geofence.


Tip: To quickly add a key to a property list, right-click on the empty space below the existing rows and select Add Row.

When the app prompts the user for authorization, it will show NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription, a user-friendly explanation of why the app requires access to the user’s location. This key is mandatory when you request authorization for location services. If it’s missing, the system will ignore the request and prevent location services from starting altogether.

Build and run the project, and you’ll see a user prompt with the aforementioned description you’ve just set:

Requesting Always Authorization

You’ve set up your app to request the required permission. Great!

Before you proceed to implement the geofencing, there’s a small issue you have to resolve. You might have noticed that the user’s current location isn’t showing up on the map view. This feature is disabled, and as a result, the zoom button on the top-left of the navigation bar doesn’t work.

At first glance, the fix for this seems straightforward: You could simply set the showsUserLocation property of your map view to true in viewDidLoad() or in the storyboard.

However, there’s a slight issue with this strategy, as is evident by the warning you’ll get in your console if you try to implement it. When the user first launches the app, the map view may attempt to fetch the current location before the app is authorized to use Location Services.

Fortunately, the real fix is not difficult, either—you’ll simply enable the current location only after the app is authorized.

In GeotificationsViewController.swift, add the following delegate method at the bottom of the class:

func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didChangeAuthorizationStatus status: CLAuthorizationStatus) {
  mapView.showsUserLocation = (status == .AuthorizedAlways)

The location manager calls locationManager(_:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:) whenever the authorization status changes. If the user has already granted the app permission to use Location Services, this method will be called by the location manager after you’ve initialized the location manager and set its delegate.

That makes this method an ideal place to check if the app is authorized. If it is, you enable the map view to show the user’s current location.

Build and run the app. If you’re running it on a device, you’ll see the blue location marker appear on the main map view. If you’re running on the simulator, click Debug\Location\Apple in the menu to see the blue location marker:


In addition, the zoom button on the navigation bar now works. :]


Registering Your Geofences

With the location manager properly configured, the next order of business is to allow your app to register user geofences for monitoring.

In your app, the user geofence information is stored within your custom Geotification model. However, Core Location requires each geofence to be represented as a CLCircularRegion instance before it can be registered for monitoring. To handle this requirement, you’ll create a helper method that returns a CLCircularRegion from a given Geotification object.

Open GeotificationsViewController.swift and add the following method:

func regionWithGeotification(geotification: Geotification) -> CLCircularRegion {
  // 1
  let region = CLCircularRegion(center: geotification.coordinate, radius: geotification.radius, identifier: geotification.identifier)
  // 2
  region.notifyOnEntry = (geotification.eventType == .OnEntry)
  region.notifyOnExit = !region.notifyOnEntry
  return region

Here’s what the above method does:

  1. You initialize a CLCircularRegion with the location of the geofence, the radius of the geofence and an identifier that allows iOS to distinguish between the registered geofences of a given app. The initialization is rather straightforward, as the Geotification model already contains the required properties.
  2. The CLCircularRegion instance also has two Boolean properties, notifyOnEntry and notifyOnExit. These flags specify whether geofence events will be triggered when the device enters and leaves the defined geofence, respectively. Since you’re designing your app to allow only one notification type per geofence, you set one of the flags to true while you set the other to false, based on the enum value stored in the Geotification object.

Next, you need a method to start monitoring a given geotification whenever the user adds one.

Add the following method to GeotificationsViewController.swift:

func startMonitoringGeotification(geotification: Geotification) {
  // 1
  if !CLLocationManager.isMonitoringAvailableForClass(CLCircularRegion) {
    showSimpleAlertWithTitle("Error", message: "Geofencing is not supported on this device!", viewController: self)
  // 2
  if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() != .AuthorizedAlways {
    showSimpleAlertWithTitle("Warning", message: "Your geotification is saved but will only be activated once you grant Geotify permission to access the device location.", viewController: self)
  // 3
  let region = regionWithGeotification(geotification)
  // 4

Let’s walk through the method step by step:

  1. isMonitoringAvailableForClass(_:) determines if the device has the required hardware to support the monitoring of geofences. If monitoring is unavailable, you bail out entirely and alert the user accordingly. showSimpleAlertWithTitle(_:message:viewController) is a helper function in Utilities.swift that takes in a title and message and displays an alert view.
  2. Next, you check the authorization status to ensure that the app has also been granted the required permission to use Location Services. If the app isn’t authorized, it won’t receive any geofence-related notifications. However, in this case, you’ll still allow the user to save the geotification, since Core Location lets you register geofences even when the app isn’t authorized. When the user subsequently grants authorization to the app, monitoring for those geofences will begin automatically.
  3. You create a CLCircularRegion instance from the given geotification using the helper method you defined earlier.
  4. Finally, you register the CLCircularRegion instance with Core Location for monitoring.

With your start method done, you also need a method to stop monitoring a given geotification when the user removes it from the app.

In GeotificationsViewController.swift, add the following method below startMonitoringGeotificiation(_:):

func stopMonitoringGeotification(geotification: Geotification) {
  for region in locationManager.monitoredRegions {
    if let circularRegion = region as? CLCircularRegion {
      if circularRegion.identifier == geotification.identifier {

The method simply instructs the locationManager to stop monitoring the CLCircularRegion associated with the given geotification.

Now that you have both the start and stop methods complete, you’ll use them whenever you add or remove a geotification. You’ll begin with the adding part.

First, take a look at addGeotificationViewController(_:didAddCoordinate) in GeotificationsViewController.swift.

The method is the delegate call invoked by the AddGeotificationViewController upon creating a geotification; it’s responsible for creating a new Geotification object using the values passed from AddGeotificationsViewController, and updating both the map view and the geotifications list accordingly. Then you call saveAllGeotifications(), which takes the newly-updated geotifications list and persists it via NSUserDefaults.

Now, replace the contents of the method with the following code:

func addGeotificationViewController(controller: AddGeotificationViewController, didAddCoordinate coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, radius: Double, identifier: String, note: String, eventType: EventType) {
  controller.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
  // 1
  let clampedRadius = (radius > locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance) ? locationManager.maximumRegionMonitoringDistance : radius
  let geotification = Geotification(coordinate: coordinate, radius: clampedRadius, identifier: identifier, note: note, eventType: eventType)
  // 2

You’ve made two key changes to the code:

  1. You ensure that the value of the radius is clamped to the maximumRegionMonitoringDistance property of locationManager, which is defined as the largest radius in meters that can be assigned to a geofence. This is important, as any value that exceeds this maximum will cause monitoring to fail.
  2. You add a call to startMonitoringGeotification(_:) to ensure that the geofence associated with the newly-added geotification is registered with Core Location for monitoring.

At this point, the app is fully capable of registering new geofences for monitoring. There is, however, a limitation: As geofences are a shared system resource, Core Location restricts the number of registered geofences to a maximum of 20 per app.

While there are workarounds to this limitation (See Where to Go From Here? for a short discussion), for the purposes of this tutorial, you’ll take the approach of limiting the number of geotifications the user can add.

Add a line to updateGeotificationsCount(), as shown in the code below:

func updateGeotificationsCount() {
  title = "Geotifications (\(geotifications.count))"
  navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem?.enabled = (geotifications.count < 20)  // Add this line

This line disables the Add button in the navigation bar whenever the app reaches the limit.

Finally, let’s deal with the removal of geotifications. This functionality is handled in mapView(_:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped:), which is invoked whenever the user taps the “delete” accessory control on each annotation.

Add a call to stopMonitoringGeotification(_:) to mapView(_:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped:), as shown below:

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, annotationView view: MKAnnotationView!, calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl!) {
  // Delete geotification
  var geotification = view.annotation as Geotification
  stopMonitoringGeotification(geotification)   // Add this statement

The additional statement stops monitoring the geofence associated with the geotification, before removing it and saving the changes to NSUserDefaults.

At this point, your app is fully capable of monitoring and un-monitoring user geofences. Hurray!

Build and run the project. You won’t see any changes, but the app will now be able to register geofence regions for monitoring. However, it won’t be able to react to any geofence events just yet. Not to worry—that will be your next order of business!


Reacting to Geofence Events

You’ll start by implementing some of the delegate methods to facilitate error handling – these are important to add in case anything goes wrong.

In GeotificationsViewController.swift, add the following methods at the bottom of the class:

func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, monitoringDidFailForRegion region: CLRegion!, withError error: NSError!) {
  println("Monitoring failed for region with identifier: \(region.identifier)")
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didFailWithError error: NSError!) {
  println("Location Manager failed with the following error: \(error)")

These delegate methods simply log any errors that the location manager encounters to facilitate your debugging.

Note: You’ll definitely want to handle these errors more robustly in your production apps. For example, instead of failing silently, you could inform the user what went wrong.

Next, open AppDelegate.swift; this is where you’ll add code to properly listen and react to geofence entry and exit events.

Add the following line at the top of the file to import the CoreLocation framework:

import CoreLocation

Ensure that the AppDelegate conforms to the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol and declare a CLLocationManager instance near the top of the class, as shown below:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate // Add this protocol {
  var window: UIWindow?
  let locationManager = CLLocationManager() // Add this statement

Add the following two lines to application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), as shown below:

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
  locationManager.delegate = self                // Add this line
  locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization()   // And this one
  return true

You’ve set up your AppDelegate to receive geofence-related events. But you might wonder, “Why did I designate the AppDelegate to do this instead of the view controller?”

Geofences registered by an app are monitored at all times, including when the app isn’t running. If the device triggers a geofence event while the app isn’t running, iOS automatically relaunches the app directly into the background. This makes the AppDelegate an ideal entry point to handle the event, as the view controller may not be loaded or ready.

Now you might also wonder, “How will a newly-created CLLocationManager instance be able to know about the monitored geofences?”

It turns out that all geofences registered by your app for monitoring are conveniently accessible by all location managers in your app, so it doesn’t matter where the location managers are initialized. Pretty nifty, right? :]

Now all that’s left is to implement the relevant delegate methods to react to the geofence events. Before you do so, you’ll create a method to handle a geofence event.

Add the following method to AppDelegate.swift:

func handleRegionEvent(region: CLRegion!) {
  println("Geofence triggered!")

At this point, the method takes in a CLRegion and simply logs a statement. Not to worry—you’ll implement the event handling later.

Next, add the following delegate methods in AppDelegate.swift, as well as a call to the handleRegionEvent(_:) function you just created, as shown in the code below:

func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion!) {
  if region is CLCircularRegion {
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didExitRegion region: CLRegion!) {
  if region is CLCircularRegion {

As the method names aptly suggest, you fire locationManager(_:didEnterRegion:) when the device enters a CLRegion, while you fire locationManager(_:didExitRegion:) when the device exits a CLRegion.

Both methods return the CLRegion in question, which you need to check to ensure it’s a CLCircularRegion, since it could be a CLBeaconRegion if your app happens to be monitoring iBeacons, too. If the region is indeed a CLCircularRegion, you accordingly call handleRegionEvent(_:).

Note: A geofence event is triggered only when iOS detects a boundary crossing. If the user is already within a geofence at the point of registration, iOS won’t generate an event. If you need to query whether the device location falls within or outside a given geofence, Apple provides a method called requestStateForRegion(_:).

Now that your app is able to receive geofence events, you’re ready to give it a proper test run. If that doesn’t excite you, it really ought to, because for the first time in this tutorial, you’re going to see some results. :]

The most accurate way to test your app is to deploy it on your device, add some geotifications and take the app for a walk or a drive. However, it wouldn’t be wise to do so right now, as you wouldn’t be able to verify the print logs emitted by the geofence events with the device unplugged. Besides, it would be nice to get assurance that the app works before you commit to taking it for a spin.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way do this without leaving the comfort of your home. Xcode lets you include a hardcoded waypoint GPX file in your project that you can use to simulate test locations. Lucky for you, the starter project includes one for your convenience. :]

Open up TestLocations.gpx, which you can find in the Supporting Files group, and inspect its contents. You’ll see the following:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<gpx version="1.1" creator="Xcode">
  <wpt lat="37.422" lon="-122.084058">
  <wpt lat="37.3270145" lon="-122.0310273">

The GPX file is essentially an XML file that contains two waypoints: Google’s Googleplex in Mountain View and Apple’s Headquarters in Cupertino.

To begin simulating the locations in the GPX file, build and run the project. When the app launches the main view controller, go back to Xcode, select the Location icon in the Debug bar and choose TestLocations:


Back in the app, use the Zoom button on the top-left of the navigation bar to zoom to the current location. Once you get close to the area, you’ll see the blue location marker moving repeatedly from the Googleplex to Apple, Inc. and back:


Test the app by adding a few geotifications along the path defined by the two waypoints. If you added any geotifications earlier in the tutorial before you enabled geofence registration, those geotifications will obviously not work, so you might want to clear them out and start afresh.

For the test locations, it’s a good idea to place a geotification roughly at each waypoint. Here’s a possible test scenario:

  • Google: Radius: 1000m, Message: “Say Bye to Google!”, Notify on Exit
  • Apple: Radius: 1000m, Message: “Say Hi to Apple!”, Notify on Entry

iOS Simulator Screen Shot 4 Mar 2015 6.01.25 pm

Once you’ve added your geotifications, you’ll see a log in the console each time the blue location marker enters or leaves a geofence. If you activate the home button or lock the screen to send the app to the background, you’ll also see the logs each time the device crosses a geofence, though you obviously won’t be able to verify that behavior visually.


Note: Location simulation works both in iOS Simulator and on a real device. However, iOS Simulator can be quite inaccurate in this case; the timings of the triggered events do not coincide very well with the visual movement of the simulated location in and out of each geofence. You would do better to simulate locations on your device, or better still, take the app for a walk!

Notifying the User of Geofence Events

You’ve made a lot of progress with the app. At this point, it simply remains for you to notify the user whenever the device crosses the geofence of a geotification—so prepare yourself to do just that.

To obtain the note associated with a triggering CLCircularRegion returned by the delegate calls, you need to retrieve the corresponding geotification that was persisted in NSUserDefaults. This turns out to be trivial, as you can use the unique identifier you assigned to the CLCircularRegion during registration to find the right geotification.

In AppDelegate.swift, add the following helper method at the bottom of the file:

func notefromRegionIdentifier(identifier: String) -> String? {
  if let savedItems = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey(kSavedItemsKey) {
    for savedItem in savedItems {
      if let geotification = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(savedItem as NSData) as? Geotification {
        if geotification.identifier == identifier {
          return geotification.note
  return nil

This helper method retrieves the geotification note from the persistence store, given the geotification identifier. It fetches and unarchives the stored geotifications from NSUserDefaults and loops through each geotification by comparing its identifier with the input identifier. Once the method finds the geotification, it returns the accompanying note.

Now that you’re able to retrieve the note associated with a geofence, you’ll write code to trigger a notification whenever a geofence event is fired, using the note as the message.

Add the following statements to the end of application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), just before the method returns:

application.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: .Sound | .Alert | .Badge, categories: nil))

The code you’ve added prompts the user for permission to enable notifications for this app. In addition, it does some housekeeping by clearing out all existing notifications.

Next, replace the contents of handleRegionEvent(_:) with the following:

func handleRegionEvent(region: CLRegion!) {
  // Show an alert if application is active
  if UIApplication.sharedApplication().applicationState == .Active {
    if let message = notefromRegionIdentifier(region.identifier) {
      if let viewController = window?.rootViewController {
        showSimpleAlertWithTitle(nil, message: message, viewController: viewController)
  } else {
  // Otherwise present a local notification
    var notification = UILocalNotification()
    notification.alertBody = notefromRegionIdentifier(region.identifier)
    notification.soundName = "Default";

If the app is active, the code above simply shows an alert controller with the note as the message. Otherwise, it presents a location notification with the same message.

Build and run the project, and run through the test procedure covered in the previous section. Whenever your test triggers a geofence event, you’ll see an alert controller displaying the reminder note:

Say Bye to Google!

Send the app to the background by activating the Home button or locking the device while the test is running. You’ll continue to receive notifications periodically that signal geofence events:

Geotify Notifications on Lock screen

And with that, you have a fully functional, location-based reminder app in your hands. And yes, get out there and take that app for a spin!

Note: When you test the app, you may encounter situations where the notifications don’t fire exactly at the point of boundary crossing.

This is because before iOS considers a boundary as crossed, there is an additional cushion distance that must be traversed and a minimum time period that the device must linger at the new location. iOS internally defines these thresholds, seemingly to mitigate the spurious firing of notifications in the event the user is traveling very close to a geofence boundary.

As well, these thresholds seem to be affected by the available location hardware capabilities. From experience, the geofencing behavior is a lot more accurate when Wi-Fi is enabled on the device.

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the complete project for this tutorial here.

Congratulations—you’re now equipped with the basic knowledge you need to build your own geofencing-enabled apps!

Geofencing is a powerful technology with many practical and far-reaching applications in such realms as marketing, resource management, security, parental control and even gaming—what you can achieve is really up to your imagination.

If you’re looking for additional challenges or learning opportunities, consider the following:

  • Allow the user to edit an existing geotification.
  • Enable the app to handle more than 20 geofences by selectively monitoring geofences that are in the user’s vicinity. One way to achieve this is by monitoring for significant location changes and selecting the 20 geofences closest to the user’s current location.
  • Re-implement the app using iOS 8’s new location-based notifications. Check out the relevant documentation for more details.
  • Check out our iBeacons tutorial!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial, and I really look forward to seeing how you use geofencing in your apps. Feel free to leave a comment or question below!

Geofencing in iOS with Swift is a post from: Ray Wenderlich

The post Geofencing in iOS with Swift appeared first on Ray Wenderlich.

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